is parallax a publicly traded company?
I realize this post might be a little off-topic for this forum, but there doesn't seem to be any forum it will fit in.· I was wondering if parallax is a publicly traded company.· My research on ameritrade would seem to suggest it isn't... if indeed it is not publicly traded, are there any plans to go public?· I'd love to buy some stock.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 8/2/2005 8:26:19 PM GMT
This is not a sig. This is a duck. Quack.
Oh and I have heard of gripes from Google employees about the shift in corporate culture since going public.
I dug this up:
IPO and culture
Many people have suggested that after Google's IPO the corporate culture will not be able to stay so "fun" and focused on the future.[noparse][[/noparse]9] [noparse][[/noparse]10] The company may be required to answer to its new shareholders who may press the company to reduce employee benefits and to focus on short term advances. Also, it may be more challenging for the company to maintain a collegial atmosphere when approximately 1,000 (30%) of the employees are paper-millionaires. In a report given to potential investors, co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page promised that the IPO would not change the company's culture. Later Mr. Page said, "We think a lot about how to maintain our culture and the fun elements." So far, they appear to have been successful.
So the official line is things are still dandy at Google, but the pressure to change is there, and it will never go away. The next economic downturn (remember they went public after the market started to rebound) it will be nearly impossible for the Google executives to justify keeping the present corporate culture.
Google's corporate culture was "standard" for high tech companies during the go-go 90s, most of those companies are either out of business or bought out and restructured.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 8/2/2005 8:51:04 PM GMT
·· I wanted to take a moment to say "Thanks."· Thanks for noticing that we're on here every day trying to help.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 8/2/2005 10:17:36 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
What would the point be of going public? Why? Parallax is doing fine the way they are, and going public would cause a bunch of problems, and only give Parallax more money that the Parallax people would rather have spent on quality and support. Go (private) Parallax!
I enjoy your sig line...I wore a shirt last week that was along a similar line...(the binary people shirt from Think Geek)
I also enjoy the Periodic Table (and Chairs) shirt. [noparse];)[/noparse]
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
Have you seen the Periodic Table?·And yes, they actually have a sample containing Plutonium (amazingly, it is a mineral that naturally produces plutonium in a uranium/beryllium decay reaction), pretty cool.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 8/3/2005 8:33:49 PM GMT
Can't say I blame you.
I would do the same given the chance.
- - - PLJack - - -
Perfection in design is not achieved when there is nothing left to add.
It is achieved when there is nothing left to take away.