Whats the maximum distance the boe-bots IR pair can communicate at.? (pointing
Clock Loop
Posts: 2,069
Has anyone found this out?
How about in sunlight?
How about in sunlight?
Anyone have any suggestions on how to test them to see their max distance? (circuits, and programs)
Then recieve it with another BOE with IR-decoder, and measure the pulse width.
Then move them further and further apart until the pulse width started to drop.
I would assume it would be 10 to 20 feet. It should be possible to up the power on the IR-LED sending the data, or even send to two IR-LED's at the same time, to increase the distance.
FREQOUT IR_Pin, 1, 38500
PULSIN IR_Dec_Pin, ...
An IR-Decoder will 'hold' the signal for a little while after the IR-LED stops sending, which gives you a chance to read the signal with PULSIN. Look up the SSIR sensor on the Parallax website, they have a neat lab.
Note the SSIR is intended for an IR 'whisker'. In that use, it's range can be 'detuned' by the frequency you use with the IR-LED so you get an inch to a few inches in range, off of most surfaces.
I'm sure a mirror will get you better range, however, and will be a more realistic example of two BOE-BOTS trying to talk to each other.
I need to transmit an infared laser like beam at least 20feet.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Infared laser? Are they cheap? Are they safe?
I am trying to detect when the beam is broken.
-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
I'm sure there are "laser diodes" of some description that might help -- but I know nothing about them at this point.