What is the correct power supply for Javelin?
What is the correct power supply for Javelin?
6-24 Volt (page 4 in manual)
6-18 Volt (page 14 in manual)
5-15 Volt (http://www.parallax.com/javelin/index.asp)
6-24 Volt (page 4 in manual)
6-18 Volt (page 14 in manual)
5-15 Volt (http://www.parallax.com/javelin/index.asp)
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
I mentioned this to somone at Parallax awhile ago. The Parallax Website, which is quite well done taken as a whole, is a bit confusing about power supplies for the various baords and chips. Somewhere their needs to be a chart board by board, showing which power supply/supplies can be used with each board.
For example the PDB can take the 7.5, the 9, and 12 volt supplies, but while the SXTech board can take a 9 or a 12 volt supply it gets rather hot. (I found that out the hard way; it gets REALLY hot!) Its much happier with a 7.5 volt supply.
Brian Riley, Underhill Center, VT
·· If you look on the link below, for one of our power supplies, you'll see that there is a link to a Power Supply Recommendation Chart.· Is this what you refer to?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Yes that is exactly what I felt was needed. Is that new? I have never seen reference to it before. Now I it seems to be a 'stamp' oriented chart. It doesn't show the SX28 or the SX Tech Board or the new SX48/52 Proto boards either.
cheers ... BBR
·· This has been there for at least a month now, but I will pass along your recommendations for the updates.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support