Debugging 3.3v Project
Hi Guys,
Has anyone tried to debug an SX with the SX-Key when the SX-Key is powered by 5 volts and the SX chip is powered by 3.0 volts? I've got to dig into things a little, but think that it may be possible. Basically, I have some IC's that are not 5 Volt tolerant (Can't get them in 5 volt versions). These IC's·will not operate correctly with the SX running at 5.0 volts. Just won't do it.
They·only operate at·~3 volts.
Just wondering if anyone·knows if it definatley isn't possible! If not, why not?
Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 8/2/2005 12:10:50 PM GMT
Has anyone tried to debug an SX with the SX-Key when the SX-Key is powered by 5 volts and the SX chip is powered by 3.0 volts? I've got to dig into things a little, but think that it may be possible. Basically, I have some IC's that are not 5 Volt tolerant (Can't get them in 5 volt versions). These IC's·will not operate correctly with the SX running at 5.0 volts. Just won't do it.
They·only operate at·~3 volts.
Just wondering if anyone·knows if it definatley isn't possible! If not, why not?
Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 8/2/2005 12:10:50 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Here is my workaround...·· ...I can program and debug·SX chips at 3.0 volts. Everything seems to work just fine.
Now, that i have you all here. When I program the·SX to be used with a external·resonator (OSCXT2), I have a lot of·trouble programming it·again.·The SX-Key reports that It can't talk to the SX chip. I can't reporgram for debug, or just plain program it. I'm thinking one of the osc pins ends up in a state that will not allow it to program correctly, or maybe·MCLR issue...·· ...any ideas? (I still have some testing to do on this issue)
Make sure the MCLR is tied to Vdd through a 10K, not directly.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
1. start by debugging code, using the SX-Key.
2. use the SX-Key to program that same code into the SX.
3. remove the power from the circuit.
4. unplug the SX,· and plug the resonator in.
5. attach power (The VDD rise time is always faster than 160uS).
6. test the SX board for functionality (Not using the SX-Key, of course)
7. remove power, and resonator.
8. plug in the SX-Key.
9. I attach power. (Again rise time faster than 160uS)
10. Try to program·or debug. At this point, The SX-Key "Chip connection failed".
11. Cycling power several time with the SX-Key attached will usually allow the debuggng/programming to take place.
I have the Internal Feedback disabled, and MCLR tied directly the VDD.
I'm guessing by the fact that the oscillator always starts, it's not an MCLR
issue. I'm starting to wonder if it's an issue due to not having any feedback on the OSC pins...··· ...maybe the gates are floating to a 'stuck' state.
Also, I've had similar issues debugging an SX52 that will not allow programming, until power is cycled.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
OSCXT2, I'm still having the same trouble. No matter how I reset it, I cannot reporgram it.
Also, it's getting to the point that in order to reprogram it, I need
to pull the chip from the circuit, and program it on a different board with
nothing attached, and it programs just fine. Many different chips act the same
So, what am I missing here?· It reprograms from debug flawlessly! It won't
reprogram from 'program' at all.
·Edit, Here are two images of the voltages on the programming pins.·1574 is the programming not working. 1575 is the programming, as it should be. OSC1 is the purple trace, OSC2 is the blue trace.
Post Edited (dkemppai) : 8/2/2005 7:57:26 PM GMT
I have checked continuity between all pins on the·SX-Key and the chip. I cut the shrink tube off the key near the connector and checked from connector soldered·to·the Key. +5V, Gnd, OSC1, and OSC2 appear to be connected. When programming, I don't have anythign except the SK-Key attached. No resonator, no resistors, just the key.
I'm pretty sure that the OSC2 is a·bidirectional signal. OSC1 only provides the high VCC required to program the Flash memory.·The communications go back and forth on OSC2...·· ...but I need to check the specs to be sure. For some reason, that pin won't go high. But, this only happens when the SX-Key was programmed to run the oscillator. Weird!
I'm starting to wonder if it's an intermittent connection in the SX key connector. The last time I tried to program, it failed in the middle of a programming cycle. And several times the chip connection failed, and then the SX-Key software lost the connection to the SX-Key! That seemed really odd.·5 volts is good,·and MCLR is very stable.
I'll keep hammering on it.
I will try a different key tomarrow morning.·It's getting to the point that I need a stiff drink tonight!
several users (including me) had trouble with "Chip connection failed" errors when the SX (or better the SX-Key) was not powered close to 5 Volts. I came across this problem fairly often when using an SX-Tech board with just a 1µF cap attached to the regulator's output pin. Since I'm using a 22µF cap instead (as the LM 2940 datasheet recommends), these problems are gone. Looks as if the SX-Key generates a spike on Vdd when the programming voltage is turned on that can cause trouble when not filtered out sufficiently.
Greetings from Germany,
The 2940 is an LDO. Some LDO's·are very picky about filter caps (Value and ESR). I've seen order of magnitude changes (.1uF instead of 1uF) send them into oscillations!·Looking at my SXtech board, there is only a 1uF cap on that one also (I've never really looked closely at the board!).·It also·appears that there·is about an·inch of copper from the cap to the regulator (adding to ESR/ESL). Not only that, but there is a "T" in the trace with the·cap·on the opposite leg·as the·MCU and the SX-Key...·· ...maybe some notes·to add for the next revision of the Tech board.
Anyway, As per your suggestion, I looked at the 5 volt signal. No problems there. The voltage drops about 75mV for 5uS worst case. The amplitude·is less than the clock noise on the VCC line·with the·SX key is supplying the clock.
But, its working now. So, I'll keep programming until it quits. It's got to be a connection somewhere!