4x20 LCD with keypad support
Hey, can anyone help me with the code for the 4x20 LCD with keypad support sold by parallax.
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
·· What sort of help are you looking for?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
·· That's kind of a hard question to answer.· On the one hand serial uses only 1 I/O pin, whereas I2C uses 2.· However there is no native support for the I2C on the BS2, so unless you have a BS2p or higher you will need to handle it manually in code.· That's just a couple of quick things to consider.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
·· I guess it boils down to a combination of choice (Preference) and whether or not you'll have any other I2C devices attached that may make it worth going that route.· Personally I use serial when available.· Although if I needed to connect 2 or 3 other I2C devices, I might be inclined to use that.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
·· You said you have a BS2p40, correct?· That Stamp Model has I2C commands built-in.· Please see your help file under I2CIN and I2COUT.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
sorry to interrupt you - did you notice the http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=544960 thread in the Sandbox section.
Manuel, why didn't you - at first place - exactly specify the type of LCD display you want to use (Parallax stock number, or manufacturer plus type code) and the device you plan for controlling the display, a BASIC Stamp (which one) or an SX controller.
This would make it a lot easier for Chris (and others) to give you the right answers quickly.
Greetings from Germany,
What is the model number of your LCD?
Yep - you're hitting the nail.
my last post was not intended to discourage you from posting to the forum - I just asked you to be a bit more specific, so please don't mind.
Greetings from Germany,
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
I written a basic program that just displays the large digits for the display via I2C. This may come in handy for you. Any RS-232 samples being used with Matrix Orbital displays can be found at http://www.matrixorbital.ca/appnotes/basic_stamp/
'{$STAMP BS2p}
Digit VAR Byte 'Create the variables
Reps VAR Nib
Digit = 0 'Make sure the variables are 0
Reps = 0
I2COUT 1,$5C, [noparse][[/noparse]254] 'Command Prefix
I2COUT 1,$5C, [noparse][[/noparse]88] 'Clear screen command
I2COUT 1,$5C, [noparse][[/noparse]254] 'Command Prefix
I2COUT 1,$5C, [noparse][[/noparse]110] 'Initilize Large Digits command
FOR Reps = 1 TO 10 'A loop to repeat it self 10 times
I2COUT 1,$5C, [noparse][[/noparse]254] 'Command Prefix
I2COUT 1,$5C, [noparse][[/noparse]35] 'Display large digit command
I2COUT 1,$5C, 'Display large digit in column 1
I2COUT 1,$5C, [noparse][[/noparse]Digit] 'Display the large digit
Digit = Digit + 1 'Increment by 1
PAUSE 1000 '1 second pause to see the text
Best Regards,
Tom Lam