Help File

How do I download just the help file for SX/B, not the whole program?
Boe-bot: $229
Toddler: $249
Learning Google is your friend: priceless
Boe-bot: $229
Toddler: $249
Learning Google is your friend: priceless
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Boe-bot: $229
Toddler: $249
Learning Google is your friend: priceless
Read your .sig and follow the instructions.
Thanks, PeterM
·· If they bought·new computer then the chances are it has Windows XP, which has native support for ZIP files as Compressed Folders, as well the ability to unzip/extract them.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
PJMonty, no cigar.
Chris, elaborate please!
Boe-bot: $229
Toddler: $249
Learning Google is your friend: priceless
·· You need to start trying things.· You're never going to learn by just asking the questions.· Somewhere in there you have to actually apply the information given you.· To that end, if Iwere you and had the information listed above I would search either the Windows Help file or Google for Windows XP Compressed folders.
·· Or, you could simply dowload a ZIP, look at the icon in My Computer, and Double Click it to see what happens.· Most likely you'll be presented with a Compressed Folders Wizard.
·· Peter, to your credit, I got thousands of results on Google explaining Windows XP Compressed folders.· Your advice (As I've heard Jon Williams give countless times),·sadly often falls on deaf ears.· =(· The very first result is "How to use Compressed (Zipped) Folders in Windows XP"!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 8/12/2005 2:59:45 AM GMT
Boe-bot: $229
Toddler: $249
Learning Google is your friend: priceless
Your .sig ends with "Learning Google is your friend: priceless," hence my reply meant to use Google to find out the answer to your question. When you replied, "No cigar," it implied you tried finding the answer on Google and came up empty handed, when in fact it's obvious you never even bothered. Even the most rudimentary search will yield thousands of hits.
If Google is indeed your friend, then you need to use your friend. After all, it's always best to turn to friends for help, since not everybody is as fortunate as Blanche Dubois. While the Google webpage may appear difficult when you see it, I think you'll find it quite easy after using it for a few days.
Here are instructions on how to use Google:
1 - Use your browser to go to ""
2 - In the box in the middle, type the following:
Windows zip
3 - Hit the button that says "Google search".
4 - Use the results to find the answer to your problem. Be sure to scroll all the way to bottom of the page as you may have to go to one of the other pages of results that Google has found for you.
You can try other options in the box, such as Chris Savage's suggestion:
Windows XP Compressed folders
Let us know what you find.
Thanks, PeterM
And they're amazingly patient, too.
Learning has never been so easy.
Good luck with the Google search for WinZip.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
·· One last note from me on this.· Please change your sig line to reflect the correct prices of the products you list.· Thank you.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
If you'd spend less time trying to be cute (sig line, et al)·and more time actually attempting to absorb the information that many of us try to share with you there would be no need to such a long winded-thread.
1. Download the ZIP file
2. Find the file and double-click on it
··· -- if you find yourself in a folder (the ZIP file name); you're in (my version of XP supports ZIP files without any utilities installed)
3. If Windows complains, go to and download their product
4. Please don't ask WinZIP questions here -- ask the good folks at WinZIP
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax