RFID Reader Module..... HELP...
Posts: 40
Just received my new RFID Reader Module, and I'm having problems already... the module itself works with the demo programs, or at least sort of... I also purchased five of the rectangular RFID cards... that's where my problem exists.... I can read and display the cards unique IDs with the example code provided:
· LOW Enable
· SERIN RX, T2400, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR buf\10]
· HIGH Enable
· DEBUG "Tag Identification number is: "
··· FOR idx = 0 TO 9
······· DEBUG DEC buf(idx)," "
··· NEXT
· PAUSE 500
· GOTO main
Using the above program I get these values reported to the DEBUG screen....
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 65 54 68
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 65 54 68
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 68 65 65
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 57 53 57
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 69 67 48
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 53 50 55
I tried putting these values (in both Hex and Dec formats) into the lock/unlock program for the RFID that is the documents, however, I still cannot get the RFID to respond....How do I use these values to run the lock/unlock program.· Also in the N/V article, I noticed Jon used, a MAX232 to convert the output so that it could be viewed on Hyperterminal?? I think??? But when I looked closer I swore I saw that it was actually the DEBUG screen.... Am I seeing things???· The values I see in the N/V article actually compare more closely than the values I'm getting... HELP... what am I doing wrong.... Rob
· LOW Enable
· SERIN RX, T2400, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR buf\10]
· HIGH Enable
· DEBUG "Tag Identification number is: "
··· FOR idx = 0 TO 9
······· DEBUG DEC buf(idx)," "
··· NEXT
· PAUSE 500
· GOTO main
Using the above program I get these values reported to the DEBUG screen....
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 65 54 68
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 65 54 68
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 68 65 65
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 57 53 57
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 69 67 48
Tag Identification number is: 48 70 48 50 54 48 55 53 50 55
I tried putting these values (in both Hex and Dec formats) into the lock/unlock program for the RFID that is the documents, however, I still cannot get the RFID to respond....How do I use these values to run the lock/unlock program.· Also in the N/V article, I noticed Jon used, a MAX232 to convert the output so that it could be viewed on Hyperterminal?? I think??? But when I looked closer I swore I saw that it was actually the DEBUG screen.... Am I seeing things???· The values I see in the N/V article actually compare more closely than the values I'm getting... HELP... what am I doing wrong.... Rob
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester yet?
· LOW Enable
· SERIN RX, T2400, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR buf\10]
· HIGH Enable
· DEBUG "Tag Identification number is: "
··FOR idx = 0 TO 9····························
··· DEBUG buf(idx)
· PAUSE 500
· GOTO Main
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax