Interface ucontroller to cell phone LCD?
Has anybody here successfully interfaced to a color cell phone LCD?· You can buy color displays for cell phones off of EBay for super low prices, and they'd make a great display if they aren't too hard to interface to.· Has anybody done anything like this?
Has anybody here successfully interfaced to a color cell phone LCD?· You can buy color displays for cell phones off of EBay for super low prices, and they'd make a great display if they aren't too hard to interface to.· Has anybody done anything like this?
I'm planning to interface to either a SX or a TIMSP430 series.· I've tried googling, but can't find any specs/tips anywhere.
Either microcontroller requires a fast external RAM to hold the pixel data.
Designing an interface requires adherance to the LCD's waveforms specified in the LCD's pdf file.
The difficult part is that the refresh rate for such an LCD is in the MHz (my LCD's clock frequency is 3.56MHz), and as such you need to interleave the LCD signals with any other functions the microcontroller is performing, that and making sure the LCD clock signal is jitter free when switching between interleaved code sections. I have chosen not to call a single subroutine in the mainloop because the extra 3 cycles for the return from subroutine cannot be fit in (3 cycles to return, 3 cycles for next subroutine call + instructions to determine next subroutine call; and I have a maximum 7 cycles between LCD clock transistions to ensure a jitter free signal = no subroutine calls in the main loop).
I had no idea that the refresh rate was 3.56 MHz. If it's that high, I'm wondering if I'd be better off using an FPGA. That refresh rate would be quite tough to achieve with any microcontroller.
Again, thanks for the input! BTW, which phone's LCD are you using? Where didd you find a PDF spec for the LCD?
Im using the SONY ACX705AKM, still in the prototype/preliminary code stage.