SX-Key not found on comm1
Hello All,
· I'm afraid I have a problem with my SX-Key. This is first time I set it·up and the SX Tech board. I have a 9 Volt adapter hooked up to it and the power light to the board comes on OK. But, when I try to run the SX-keyV3.1 software and load the first experiment in the book the software returns a 'SX-Key not found on comm1' error. I verified that it is comm1 that I am using because when it didn't work I pluged the cable into my BS2 and the basic stamp editor can see the BS2 fine. Can anyone tell me if I'm missing something? I can't think of what else to try but I'm probably overlooking something stupid.
Jim W.
· I'm afraid I have a problem with my SX-Key. This is first time I set it·up and the SX Tech board. I have a 9 Volt adapter hooked up to it and the power light to the board comes on OK. But, when I try to run the SX-keyV3.1 software and load the first experiment in the book the software returns a 'SX-Key not found on comm1' error. I verified that it is comm1 that I am using because when it didn't work I pluged the cable into my BS2 and the basic stamp editor can see the BS2 fine. Can anyone tell me if I'm missing something? I can't think of what else to try but I'm probably overlooking something stupid.
Jim W.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Thanks again,
Jim W.