Ready to use SX52 Proto Board

Hello folks,
Bean posted a picture of his SX52 Proto board with a header that makes no sense to me.· So.....
Here are photos of my version of the ready-to-use board for everyone to reference.
- All the ports have an outlet.
- All the servos are set up to interface
- A jumper is in place for choice of servo motor power supply
-MCLR an RTCC have pin outs
-Ground, Voltage In, and Voltage Out have pins
Additionally, I was able to pick up a few carrying/storage boxes at a local shop [noparse][[/noparse]Taiwan has great plastic goods].· These allow you to cleanly store your little treasure until a project comes to mind.
Of course any and all are welcome to share this as I think it might save a bit of time.
And, the extra Vdd and Vdd outlets are a bit tricky to fit in. You have to shave a bit of plastic off the bottom ends of each side to get it fully down to the board.
Warm regards and thanks to all at Parallax.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Bean posted a picture of his SX52 Proto board with a header that makes no sense to me.· So.....
Here are photos of my version of the ready-to-use board for everyone to reference.
- All the ports have an outlet.
- All the servos are set up to interface
- A jumper is in place for choice of servo motor power supply
-MCLR an RTCC have pin outs
-Ground, Voltage In, and Voltage Out have pins
Additionally, I was able to pick up a few carrying/storage boxes at a local shop [noparse][[/noparse]Taiwan has great plastic goods].· These allow you to cleanly store your little treasure until a project comes to mind.
Of course any and all are welcome to share this as I think it might save a bit of time.
And, the extra Vdd and Vdd outlets are a bit tricky to fit in. You have to shave a bit of plastic off the bottom ends of each side to get it fully down to the board.
Warm regards and thanks to all at Parallax.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
The header on mine was so that I could plug it into a NX1000 board to interface with a BS2.
Nice work on yours though.
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"One experiment is worth a thousand theories"
Is the NX1000· the huge PROFESSIONAL development board with all the goodies? Or, is it an older version of the bs24/40p DEMO BOARD? [noparse][[/noparse]I can't seem to find any reference to the board except for one accessory]
The reason I ask is that I have the DEMO board and it never occured to me that I could directly interface the two.
Now that I think about it, the SX52 Board could handle the really sophisticated device drivers and interfaces while the the DEMO board could use a BS24 or BS40p to do in PBASIC the creative work that may require a lot of revision.
I suppose that either board will work.··You came up with an all Parallax two microprocessor system that is very easy to assemble and disassemble.· One might even fit in a third board.
Great idea! I suppose I am too damn generic.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 7/29/2005 3:45:58 PM GMT