LM7805T Question

My next project will need me to connect a LM7805T to a·car battery. Can the 7805 handle the voltage?
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Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester yet?
You would be better off with a dc/dc converter, as you are loosing a lot of power in the 7 volt drop, unless you need the heat?
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I have several applications using a 7805 run from a vehicle. I don't recommend stepping down to 9 volts, then 5 volts.
Post Edited (KenM) : 7/24/2005 5:48:11 AM GMT
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Post Edited (bugg) : 7/24/2005 12:41:38 AM GMT
- use Parts List #2 for a 7805 circuit
Taking a worst case scenario of power the regulator must dissipate....
P = IE
Worst case E = 9.7· (14.7 - 5 = 9.7)
Worst case I = 0.3 Amps
9.7 * 0.3 = 2.91 watts
here is a picture of the DC/DC converter PCB I have designed. Input voltage range: 8...30 V, output voltage: 5V @ 500 mA with short circuit and over-heat protection. Just, one LM2574, a throttle coil, one Shottky diode, and two elcaps. If you like to see the schematic, just let me know...
Greetings from Germany,
here comes the schematic.
You can find more information about the LM2574 in www.national.com/ds.cgi/LM/LM2574.pdf.
The reason for my specific PCB design is that I needed it as replacement for the Rohm BP5220 DC/DC converter, I've been using in one of my industrial projects. Instead using a separate PCB for the converter, you could install the few components on your main PCB (this is what I'm doing in the meantime).
I like this approach because of the better efficiency (i.e. less power dissipation = heat).
Greetings from Germany,
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