I need some Lcd help

ok im a little bit of a nube but im ok at STAMP BS2.
Here is a link to the lcd im using
Im wondering what thay meen when thay say JPE
'If you are driving the display's "DATA_IN" line with 0v to 5v
'signals (which would be typical in a Basic Stamp application), be
'sure to close "JPE" on the LCD.
would·"JPE" be something in the basic stamp program or·like a button on the lcd
I dont exactly have the lcd yet so·I·cant·look·for buttons on it or any thing
OK heres what i got
Links for lcd
Main page for my lcd
User's Manual
·· Where are you getting that information about JPE from?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
'If you are driving the display's "DATA_IN" line with 0v to 5v
'signals (which would be typical in a Basic Stamp application), be
'sure to close "JPE" on the LCD.
································································ Chris
' Program: COUNT.BS2 (Print-at-location with Stamp 2)
' This is the same as the previous program, but modified for the
' BS2 model. Since this program sends data to the Backpack
' at 9600 baud, be sure to install a jumper at BPS on the board.
' :::Note::: Make sure to connect the Backpack serial input to
' BS2 pin P0, not SOUT. SOUT is used for communication with the
' PC during programming/debugging.
·· There is no mention of a JPE (Presumably a jumper) in the manual you posted a link to.· Perhaps there was a revision to the device since that code was written, and it is no longer necessary.· You really should wait until you have the LCD and know if you have a problem.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
It seems it could be a typo. Or, the software could have been created for another LCD and since it works with almost any serial LCD, they recommended it for this one [noparse][[/noparse]which has no JPE].
Overall, it is a nice LCD with pretty good documentation. Still, you may have to create your own Pbasic program to drive it. The other program might just be useful as an intial test.
I do a "Hello World" test and have the LCD blink so that I can run in for 24 hours as a burn in.
That way I know it is working and I know I have software that will verify it is not broken if I late do something terrible to the LCD.
G. Herzog in Taiwan