Parallax components for ExpressPCB?
Vern Graner
Posts: 337
Hi all, I was recently using the free schematic and PCB layout programs from ExpressPCB and noticed that some of the Parallax components are not present in their library. Does anyone have an additional library of components for this software for the following parts?
- ULN2803 darlington driver array
- PROP-1 Controller
- BASIC Stamp Super Carrier Board
- BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board
Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course,if the network | is up, then we obviously don't need Austin Office 512 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" ©VLG
·· I do have a BASIC Stamp part which I made myself.· Basically you can build your own components, which I have done for several things that aren't included.· Worst case scenario, you use the DIP socket for the part of the same size, and do it that way.·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Ok, Necessity being a mother and all that.. here's the ULN2803 Darlington array in ExpressPCB format. Copy this into "C:\Program Files\ExpressPCB\SchComponents_Custom" to use. More to come as I make them...
(updated 5:24pm)
Post Edited (Vern) : 7/21/2005 10:25:14 PM GMT
There are·3 kinds of people in the world,
the dreamers, the do-ers, and the "Oh, what's this button do"-ers.
Formerly bugg.
Post Edited (RoboGeek) : 1/6/2006 1:58:02 AM GMT
If you created the supporting components, you could buy the BS2 PIC (the brains of it) for I think $9.00.
So, for like, $15.00 you could have a BS2 on the board itself. Again, I havn't had a chance to recreate the bs2 OEM inside of ExpressPCB, once I do, I'll attach here, if no one gets to it before me. In fact I have some time, might do it now, dunno.
Post Edited (Philip Gamblin) : 7/24/2005 4:50:42 AM GMT
Have you seen the BS2 OEM?
I havn't seen an actual RS-232 translator chip on it, but it hooks into a PC.
I intend on eventually, purchasing doulbe the number of EEProms I need for my application and simply switching them out when I need to reprogram it, so I'll socket the EEProm, and socket hte pic, but everything else won't be socketed, and I'll leave out the rs-232 stuff out of my design, however it still stands that it'd be slick to get ahold of a ExpressPCB layout of the BS2 OEM.
There is also the issue of the·proper handling of the DTR/ATN line. None of which are insurmountable obstacles, but certainly worth consideration. Since the BS2 OEM is , I believe , on sale for $30, not a bad price for a "programming platform" which would also include your first EEprom and interpreter chip.
Post Edited (Philip Gamblin) : 7/24/2005 5:14:58 PM GMT
So you throw on the same components on the BS2 OEM, into your own PCB, and there you have all of the level translation, and everything that's needed for programming, as well as running it. So, you wouldn't have to have a programming platform, just create your own PCB project with the OEM board integrated, and pop in al the components, and you're done.