Stamp controlling computers
·i was wondering what kind of basic language resemble Pbasic the most?
·as i recently stombled across several old pc and i would like to programme them as i can a stamp
heres what i d like to do -
i d like to control several pc s with a stamp
the old pc·would be·controling steppers and·relays directly via· drivers·
if possible·a pbasic like·language·would make·my life so much easier
thank you for your time
·as i recently stombled across several old pc and i would like to programme them as i can a stamp
heres what i d like to do -
i d like to control several pc s with a stamp
the old pc·would be·controling steppers and·relays directly via· drivers·
if possible·a pbasic like·language·would make·my life so much easier
thank you for your time
·· Because PBASIC is part of a microcontroller system, many commands will not be found anywhere else in any other computer BASIC language.· But if I had to give a PC-Based language that is closest, I would say GWBASIC.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I'm also a bit confused about what you're trying to do.· Normally, one doesn't use a stamp to control a computer and then have the computer drive some outputs.· The traditional way of doing it is to have the computer control the stamp and have the stamp drive the outputs.· This method allows you to more fully take advantage of the computer's faster processor and more memory.· But if you have a good reason, there's no reason why you can't have the stamp controlling the computer.