email's of fora content no longer being received
IT Guy,
Has there been a recent change to the fora software?
Since about the beginning ofthe weekend, I've not received any email pass-thru (or what ever the name of that "new" feature is) from any Parallax Forum message.
I have checked my profile, and it says that I'm set for "individual emails" for all fora of interest.
Best Regards,
Has there been a recent change to the fora software?
Since about the beginning ofthe weekend, I've not received any email pass-thru (or what ever the name of that "new" feature is) from any Parallax Forum message.
I have checked my profile, and it says that I'm set for "individual emails" for all fora of interest.
Best Regards,
You may want to check with your ISP to see if they installed any new SPAM filtering recently. In my experience 9 out of 10 cases as you described usually can be determined to be a local problem of some sort.
Bruce Bates
No changes to the software or the server. I was enjoying a weekend away from anything requiring an AC plug. The server is transmitting email messages. I am also not seeing anything bouncing from your account so I presume that a server along the way is sinking the messages. I'll take a look at the logs and let you know where the messages are getting delivered.
Parallax IT Dept.
Parallax IT Dept.
Bruce is right, I fear.· Along with Bruce's emailed post, a flood of other "groups" just came thru tagged with "Junk Mail" as a subject prefix.· Might take a while to track it down; another reason to migrate to self-hosting, I suppose.
Thanks for the bandwidth.
Jim this is supposed to be in (New) Times Rioman, it is not. I think its Verdana. And now its working. I suggest you check those settings.
Buck Rogers
My domain is hosted by, my local isp is cable company, and its all funneled thru a active firewall at my house.
123HostNow does not seem to have any easily accessible answers, altho they state they "upgraded" their control panel on Friday--this is likely the problem. An email to tech support is currently in their queue.
Thanks for the thought.
Post Edited (daniel) : 7/18/2005 11:47:59 PM GMT
Thanks again. I'll know where to look first next time.
I'm looking into the possibility that the ISP is using reverse lookup as a filtering method. When the socket open from our mail server to theirs, their end might be doing a revrse DNS lookup on the mail server name. If they cannot resolve the sending server's name, they might consider the message as spam. A lot of servers don't do reverse lookups because it really throttles back the throughput on the email server. I'll get back here as soon as I find an answer.
Parallax IT Dept.
[noparse][[/noparse]English translation: The server name was not resolvable - my bad. Fixed error; changes take 4 - 24 hours to propogate to all name servers 'round the world]
Parallax IT Dept.
Thank you.
I am seeing the effect at my end on mail lists other than Parallax', too. Unfortunately I think that 123HostNow "improved" my service without me knowing, and there does not yet seem to be a way to fall back.
Parallax IT Dept.
It is indeed. Jim that was a good idea on your part. It is unfortunate that it takes that long to propogate.
Dan be insistent, explain why you need tihs information, explain what you do and why. I found that telling my ISP techs when their server techs goofed concerning Yahoo actually expedited the repairs.
Not my faukt that they hired a bunch boobies who didn't know what they were doing.
Buck Rogers
It turns out that 123HostNow implemented Spam Filtering, enabled by default. As a customer, I'm susposed to know (somehow) that this was added without a notification on their part.
When I checked the domains email configuration (at the beginning of this thread) there was no controls for this (new) service.
After several days of mostly one-sided conversations with the tech support forum, the control silently appeared on my domain's email configurator.
Jim, I do not yet have an explanation their filtering heuristics.
Again, thanks to all.
On Saturday, I received this information from my domain host (123HostNow).· It is as likely a detailed explaination I'll receive.