I was looking at all the different IC's there are and i was wondering if there is a book that explains what each device does? beacuse i have no clue what a "quad 2-input multiplexer" is, lol.
I was looking at all the different IC's there are and i was wondering if there is a book that explains what each device does? beacuse i have no clue what a "quad 2-input multiplexer" is, lol.

·· You can find the datasheet on Google by typing in "datasheet 7402" for example, to find the datasheet for the 7402.· Just replace 7402 with the part number you're looking for specs on.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Don Lancasters "TTL Cookbook" and "CMOS Cookbook" are good for getting started, and the Texas Instruments "TTL Data Book" lists many hundreds of ICs with descriptions of what they do.
I can personally recommend the "TTL Cookbook" and the Texas Instruments "TTL Data Book".
Both worth the time and money.
I love Google but you really can't beat a book for this kind of thing.
Besides. I don't think Google comes in a ring binder format.
- - - PLJack - - -
Perfection in design is not achieved when there is nothing left to add.
It is achieved when there is nothing left to take away.
Post Edited (PLJack) : 7/18/2005 10:15:06 AM GMT
TI's Logic pocketbook is a handy roundup of their parts.
(Even with vast FPGAs on most of my current boards, there's often a '74 or some other titchy logic doing something important at boot time - TTL may be dead, but discrete logic just won't go away...)