Recommended Flexiforce sensor mounting?
I'm about to use the Flexiforce sensor to measure the amount of liquid in a barrel.· I'm only looking for a rough gauge of how much is left, let’s say 10 divisions. IE >90%, 89-80%, 79-70% etc.· The barrel will weigh in at about 160lbs when full.· My current idea is to build a platform with four legs and under one of these put the flexiforce sensor.·
This post a while back shows the weight around the active portion of the sensor.
My thinking was to put the weight on the active portion.· What would be the correct way to use this thing??
This post a while back shows the weight around the active portion of the sensor.
My thinking was to put the weight on the active portion.· What would be the correct way to use this thing??
pressur on one leg.
square leg
|·······| XX |
|······ | XX | Flexiforce
The main point I wanted to make with that post is for the readings from the sensor to be reasonabably repeatable,· some attention to applying the force in a repeatable manner is needed.
The picture may not show well, but I had a clear plastic ruler on top of the sensor, then the weights on the ruler. This was done in an attempt to get a relatively uniform distribution of weight on the sensor.
Than as you saw, there was a different reading when the same amount of weight is used, but a little off center.
I·think the three legged platform idea should work.
In the case of 4 legs, it is possible to spend many hours and shims getting just the correct height on each leg for the leg on the sensor to give a reasonable output.
Thanks for the help, that clears it up. I thinking that I will have blocks around the barrel so that it's centered on the platform each time. Mabey even a level on the platform to verify that things are ok.
Orion is not concerned with actual weight, just a proportion of full, so the sensor output can easily be correlated to 90~99%, 80 to 89% and so on.
Tracy Allen
This may be of some interest to any one that has the sensor.