push button stearing?
Posts: 139
i currently have 2 push buttons atop the breadboard on my lovely boe bot. So far the two buttons can turn right left and when both pressed it goes forward! but the hang up is making it go backwards as well with only 2 buttons. Im sure one of you smart fellers out there can figure something out for me
Does a small and inexpensive, but durable surplus joystick like that below appeal to you?
Just one thought that can probably be implemented easily with the RCTIME instruction, or by using a couple of ADCs.
Bruce Bates
b1 b2 action
0·· 0· left
0·· 1· right
1·· 0· reverse
1·· 1· other
0· 0· forward
1· 0· left
0· 1· right
1· 1· reverse
left button controls·left servo, and right button controls right servo.·If button is 0, servo is full forward, if button is 1, servo is in full reverse. This setup will cause your turns to be the "pivot in place" type since one servo will be going forwards while the other is spinning in reverse. You'll also note there is no unused·combination of buttons availible to represent a "stop".
But this way , you could change for:
Two clicks left = go left
Two clicks right = go right
One click left OR right = go forward ´ note that you will be using two commands here could be just one
Two buttons clicked together = go back
Two buttons left without click = stop
5 operations . it’s all you need.
Ricardo Amaral