Newbie Question: Confused About Different Stamp Options
Please forgive my ignorance - I am brand new to this stuff. I am a little confused about what is actually required to build a robot. In other words - I see that there are many different stamps available - but·I don't understand why I would choose one over the other. Also -·I have the howework board and a BOE Rev.C. I can definitely see that the BOE seems better·if you have servos as the servo ports are already wired onto the board. Is it just that I don't know enough about robots yet to see the benefits of one over the other? Thanks.
·· As you have noticed, different boards are better for dfferent things.· The BOE is a good all-around board, especially for Robotics.· The HomeWork Board moreso for learning and education.· And of course, for the power user, the Professional Development Board.
·· As for Stamp Modules, each has their strong points.· There is no single "best" Stamp Module.· For some, even the BS1 is the best bet for a given project.· It really depends on what you need to do, interface to, and what the Stamp Module capabilities are.·
·· But remember, when you stray from the BASIC Stamp 2 module (As opposed to the BS2sx, BS2px24, etc) you also stray into the area of having to know how to adjust code for differences in timing between the different modules.· The most example source code is available for the BASIC Stamp 2, and it's easy to adapt and expand.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support