Power Switch Access
I have built a BOE-BOT and enclosed him in a shell. The problem is getting access to the power switch. I am using a long chopstick and a hole in the shell right now. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Is there a way to run the power switch to an external source? Also - same problems with the photoresistors -·I have cobbled together longer leads using jumper wires - but it is ugly!
Where do people buy parts like photoresistors and servos and such? Thanks.
Is there a way to run the power switch to an external source? Also - same problems with the photoresistors -·I have cobbled together longer leads using jumper wires - but it is ugly!
Where do people buy parts like photoresistors and servos and such? Thanks.
You might try a local hobby RC store or catalog... you can find a lot of stuff there or try a local electronics supply company...