PULSOUT doesn't produce any signal
Posts: 96
I'm sure this is just something absolutely stupid I'm doing wrong, but I can't get PULSOUT to work!· I'm trying to run an IFI Victor speed controller (but you can consider it a servo, since it takes the same signal).· I had this circuit working once before, a long time ago, so and I've re-checked it, so I know it's not a wiring problem.· I've also moved my stamp off the circuit and onto a breadboard, still no luck.· I've put debug statements on both sides of the PULSOUT instruction and I see them in the debug window, so the instruction must be executing.· The victors don't recognize the signal... small wonder, considering my scope says there isn't any signal.· It sits at low all the time.· Here's my pulsout instruction:
··· FOR n = 0 TO NumPulseOutputs - 1
········ DEBUG DEC ? n
········ PULSOUT n, PulseRate(n) << 4
········ DEBUG DEC ? (PulseRate(n) << 4)
··· NEXT
The debug window shows n = 0 through 6 (as expected) and PulseRate(n)*16 is 1200 for all n (as expected).· I'm using a BS2sx, so that should correspond to a pulse width of 1.5ms.· Any light you can shed on this would be greatly appreciated.
I'm sure this is just something absolutely stupid I'm doing wrong, but I can't get PULSOUT to work!· I'm trying to run an IFI Victor speed controller (but you can consider it a servo, since it takes the same signal).· I had this circuit working once before, a long time ago, so and I've re-checked it, so I know it's not a wiring problem.· I've also moved my stamp off the circuit and onto a breadboard, still no luck.· I've put debug statements on both sides of the PULSOUT instruction and I see them in the debug window, so the instruction must be executing.· The victors don't recognize the signal... small wonder, considering my scope says there isn't any signal.· It sits at low all the time.· Here's my pulsout instruction:
··· FOR n = 0 TO NumPulseOutputs - 1
········ DEBUG DEC ? n
········ PULSOUT n, PulseRate(n) << 4
········ DEBUG DEC ? (PulseRate(n) << 4)
··· NEXT
The debug window shows n = 0 through 6 (as expected) and PulseRate(n)*16 is 1200 for all n (as expected).· I'm using a BS2sx, so that should correspond to a pulse width of 1.5ms.· Any light you can shed on this would be greatly appreciated.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
MyVar = 5
PULSOUT MyVar, 100
in order to get a pulsout on pin 5? I didn't think so.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Do you have both the Stamp and the IFI Victor speed controller respective grounds connected together at some point for a common ground? If not, you will need to do so. Presuming that's the problem, "absolutely stupid" - no, absolutely simple - YES!
Bruce Bates
Is my stamp dead?· I have no idea how it could have been damaged... I doubt it died of old age, despite being about 4 years old.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Forrest - That's not a MAX232A, it's a MAX233A.· It has internal caps.· As for the caps on the voltage regs, I've never been told to put them on the input side.· I was always told to put them on the outputs.· I've never had any problems.· Why would they be needed on the input side?
I'm interested in the "Winter Bot" you are making. Can you tell us more about this robot? Gas or electric, runs on snow? Uses tracks? I'm interested in what it's all about after seeing the schematic. I'm really wondering about the robot use, drivetrain and mechanics.
Ken Gracey
The caps on the input side of the voltage regulator help smooth out the voltage - which is really important if you're using an unregulated AC-DC power supply. The value of the caps is determined by how much current is required in your setup. Check the data sheetd on the LM7805 and LM7812 for more info.
I'm in my 3rd year of college.· I've been working on this project over summer break since I was a junior in highschool.· I was lucky enough to be hired along with 4 other students from the local FIRST robotics team to help one of the team's coaches with his job at the US Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (that's a mouthful!· we call it CRREL for short [noparse][[/noparse]how many times can you use variants of "engineer" in one name?]).· The project was started to verify a mathematical model on over-snow vehicle mobility.· Back in the 70's, some data had been collected on a large swedish snow cat type vehicle (~2000kg), so we used the Bekker model to scale this vehicle down to a 25kg robot.· The robot is instrumented with sensors to measure the same mobility parameters as the original vehicle so that we can verify the correctness of the Bekker model predictions.· We measure snow resistance to forward motion (because of the compaction) by using hall effect current sensors on the motors, we have an ultrasonic sensor to measure how far the robot sinks into the snow, etc.· Many different pieces of information can be derived from knowing a few basic facts about how the robot is moving and then the details of the robot itself, such as ground pressure.· Unfortunately, I don't have an in-depth understanding of all of this; I mainly focus on the electrical and software side of the robot.
In addition to performing data-gathering tasks, in the second year of the project we decided we were going to expand the robot to a new mission: testing soil on army test-firing ranges for explosives contamination.· This is important because the bits of unexploded ordinance get into the ground water.· In order to properly treat the range for sustainable use, the concentration of explosive residue must be measured.· Because some of the unexploded ordinance may still be live, this is very dangerous for a human to do, not to mention boring (taking a small dirt sample every foot or so in a grid pattern over many hundreds of feet).· The circuit and code that have already been posted are for the control system of this robot.· It's designed to perform the snow mobility tests, but also do autonomous sampling of weapons test ranges using GPS.
It's a simple tracked chassis.· Each track is powered by 1 motor.· The power source is 4 li-ion batteries that are 16.8V each, used in parallel to supply a peak current of 40A.
For reference, the tracks are 5" wide.· I've attached pics of the robot when it's being used for a "tractor pull" sort of traction testing in snow and also a pic of the robot when it's set up for use in soil sampling (you can see the giant hollow drill on the front that dumps into the plexiglass enclosure).· Despite the cords shown in both these pics, the robot normally operates completely wirelessly.· These cords are for charging and debug info.
Forrest - the input to the voltage regulators is direct off the batteries of the bot.· It looks quite clean on the scope.
Post Edited (Yanroy) : 7/18/2005 6:09:21 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
That's exactly what I was interested in seeing - thanks for making the post. The Swedish snowcat you mentioned your robot is modelled after is called a BV Haaglund troupe carrier. They're a powerful, high speed snowcat which perform well in moderate snow conditions. A few of these wound up in the U.S. but my impression is that they weren't as well suited for our variety of snow terrain compared to that found in Sweden.
I'm also interested in over-the-snow robotics, but for avalanche prediction, exploration, search and rescue and gear transport. It's one field of robotics where few have gone and the complications are quite high. When I finish my current project (designing the small Penguin robots) I'm going to build a snowcat robot. My plan is the following:
Efficient full-size snowcats designs have a weight ratio less than 1 lb/in2. And they can still get stuck in soft snow, especially when coupled with an incline.·For this reason·you will often see a single snowcat design equipped with tracks ranging from 8' to 12'·in width for local snow conditions.
For my robot, I plan on·designing for·less than .4 lb/in2, which is less than a skier. This is critical in the Sierra Nevada mountains, where annual snowfall can be 400 inches per winter. Sometimes the stuff lands like cement and sets up fast; other times it will be as soft as Utah snow (for a·day anyway).
I'm motivated by your project. Now, if I can just get this boring business stuff off of my desk I can again concentrate on my snow robot. Keep up the good work and continue to post pictures. It's tough to think about snow right now since it's going to be 105 F at Parallax this afternoon, but we've still got some hanging around in the mountains from a huge winter.
If anybody else is working on similar robots I'd sure like to hear about it.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Huh? What does it weigh? You must be counting the bottom of the chassis in your calculation, not just the treads. Is this the case?
- Ken
It weighs ~25kg with the sampler.· Without the sampler, it's ~22kg, which is 48.4lbs.
48.4lbs / 240in^2 = 0.202psi
I hope these calculations are clear.· It doesn't include anything but the bottom of the tracks in the ground pressure calculation.· We made it with such a low ground pressure because the amount of sinkage in the snow isn't proportional to the size of the vehicle.· A smaller vehicle will sink further, proportionally, because where the larger vehicle may be feeling an effect of the ground under the snow to hold it up (shallow snow), a small vehicle does not (deep snow), thus letting it sink further.· It is actually for this reason that the army is interested in small robotic vehicles of this sort - they can drive ahead of a larger vehicle and not worry about falling into a crevasse because the snow bridge on top of it won't break under the small pressure.· The robot can then use ground-penetrating radar to advise the larger vehicle to avoid the crevasse (our·bot·was intended to carry a radar payload much like it carries the sampler payload, but that never was actually done).