Updating the SX28AC on a board
Ok, I got the SX28AC/DP to work with the pesky card reader that the Basic Stamp couldn't read.· Now what I want to do is build a board with the SX28AC/SS and connect some of the I/O pins to a card reader and some other I/O's to a serial port to transfer the data to a PC.· Also, if possible, I want to be able to update the code (in case there's any firmware bugs)·on the chip itself through a serial port or some other method via the PC without using the SX-Key.· Is there any way to do this fairly inexpensively?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
the key is $79 each.· I read in the manual that there is an SX-Blitz which is "designed to be a lower-cost device for programming the SX chips only."· Is there a way for me to build one of these on the board, or how much would they cost if I were to buy from parallax?· I need to build a lot of these card readers and would like to be able to remotely update the code on the chip.
Your project "feels" more like a BASIC Stamp application: the interpreter engine is solid and the user program can be updated by changing the EEPROM. Maybe you could combine the two: use a stock BS2 for your core application and an SX as a dedicated slave that handles your card reader.
Or... you could put an SX28DP in a socket and change that chip when you want to do a firmware upgrade.·
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Well, Jon seems to indicate that individual components on the SX-key are not availible for sale.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
And I should have mentioned the information above was obtained from sxlist.com
Post Edited (KenM) : 7/19/2005 7:02:55 AM GMT
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....however, there is no reason why the programmer can't also BE the oscillator. Of course, this may limit the top speed of the SX depending on how fast a signal the programmer can generate.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james at sxlist,com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
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Or, if you go to a host/slave(s) situation using a simple two-wire serial communications, consider using two processors on each board. One has an 'odd' address, the other being 'even'. Each has it's own job, and they share a common communications path to a host or master of some kind, but each *can be used to program the other*! If proc0 needs a code update, the host (PC?) forces it into reset, then gets proc1 to reprogram it. When done, a verify is done (?), proc1 is released from its programming chores, and the reset on proc0 is released. Everything is now up and operating.
Hey, for what it's worth...