Thanks for looking into this. My local regional settings look good -- I am on a network running Windows XP-Pro that is set to automaticaly adjust my laptop clock periodically via the web. The only place I see discrepency is within the Parallax Forums and the post times. From my end, post times appear as one hour earlier than actual.
Is it possible that the Forum system clock is set to the local time of where it originates... California? I am in Washington and one hour later. Just a thought.... grasping at straws.
Check your time zone setting in your forum profile. Select Control Panel->Edit Options and make sure that your timezone is set to -7:00 Mountain time. That should correct the one hour time difference you are observing.
Thanks Jim, that took care of it. I don't understand why the correct setting is the Mountain Time Zone when I'm in the Pacific Time Zone, but that's OK. I appreciate the fix - it's so much easier having the correct post times.
The time zone issue gets tricky when you factor in the daylight savings time. The server is set to honor DST because it just happens to live in Kalefornyahh. (thinly veiled ref to The Gov). Perhaps DST isn't used in your corner of the country, but what is important is the offset from GMT. The site stores all times in GMT and computes local time on the fly. It uses the offset defined in your profile to figure out what your local time should be. You might need to check it again in October when we switch back to standard time. Anyway, I'm glad that the issue has been resolved for now.
Thanks for the additional explaination, that really clears things up. We do observe DST here in the Pacific Northwest for what that's worth, so it sounds to me like you're right in that I'll more than likely have to make an adjustment again in October.
·· Please check your regional settings in the Control Panel to be sure·the right Time Zone for your area is selected.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks for looking into this. My local regional settings look good -- I am on a network running Windows XP-Pro that is set to automaticaly adjust my laptop clock periodically via the web. The only place I see discrepency is within the Parallax Forums and the post times. From my end, post times appear as one hour earlier than actual.
· When I replied to you, my post time matched exactly, so there must be something else.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Is it possible that the Forum system clock is set to the local time of where it originates... California? I am in Washington and one hour later. Just a thought.... grasping at straws.
Thanks again,
Parallax IT Dept.
The time zone issue gets tricky when you factor in the daylight savings time. The server is set to honor DST because it just happens to live in Kalefornyahh. (thinly veiled ref to The Gov). Perhaps DST isn't used in your corner of the country, but what is important is the offset from GMT. The site stores all times in GMT and computes local time on the fly. It uses the offset defined in your profile to figure out what your local time should be. You might need to check it again in October when we switch back to standard time. Anyway, I'm glad that the issue has been resolved for now.
Parallax IT Dept.
Thanks for the additional explaination, that really clears things up. We do observe DST here in the Pacific Northwest for what that's worth, so it sounds to me like you're right in that I'll more than likely have to make an adjustment again in October.
I appreciate your time and help,