New to stamp, need to spend money fast!
Posts: 30
I've been tinkering around with the idea of owning a stamp chip for a long time, but I always said "Go big, or don't go at all" and until recently I haven't had enough cash to go big.· So now that my birthday has passed and a paycheck has been cashed, I have the money ($420 to be exact) to blow on something, anything, I just need to do it fast before it burns threw my pocket.· I'm looking to get the "best" stamp II starter kit, with any of the necessary books I need to take me from know nothing and up.· I also want a nice LCD screen and some cool sensors to play with (remember the budget).· So what I think I want so far is:·for the kit and·for the LCD screen.· Also will I need one of these,451-00303 ?· That leaves me with about 80 dollars minus the shipping to buy what ever else I need with.· Couple of questions, is the kit above the best basic stamp 2 kit I can get; and what is a board of education and do I need it?· Now that I think of it, I need a powersupply too, but the link on the kit page is broken·Will this also power the LCD·screen and backlight?·
Well, since you asked. I'll spend your money as if it were my own. This is what I'd buy:
BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit···OR ·Boe-Bot Full Kit - $169
Memsic2125 Dual-Axis Accelerometer - $29
Parallax Serial LCD - $29
Ping))) Ultrasonic Sensor - $25
Professional Development Board - $149
Total: $401.00
Now, we could optimize this and save a fifty bucks if we had to, but it would be at the expense of printed documentation.
Hope this helps.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
My recommendation is the BS2 (in Discovery Kit and Boe-Bot) unless you have a demonstrated need for the BS2p24.
- Ken
·· Ken was referring to the BASIC Stamp II, not the BS1.· But now that you mention it Ben, with 2 carrier/development boards, why not throw in an extra BS2?·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
IMHO whatever Stamp you decide upon, make sure you get the Professional Development Board as Ken suggested.· I just got one and it is impressive in its constrution and the versatility it offers.· It is also just plain cool to have.· The possibilities are mind boggling.
Not only does it support the Basic Stamps but, when you're ready, it will support the SX (with the addition of an SX kit).
Chris I.
BASIC Stamp Discovery Kit OR Boe-Bot Full Kit - $169
Memsic2125 Dual-Axis Accelerometer - $29
Parallax Serial LCD - $29
Ping))) Ultrasonic Sensor - $25
Professional Development Board - $149
Starting a life-long journey with microcontrollers- priceless
I *love* my professional development makes prototyping SO easy. Saves time, saves wires, etc....
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support