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Mini Sumo Edge Detection — Parallax Forums

Mini Sumo Edge Detection

LawrencLLawrencL Posts: 49
edited 2005-07-13 12:48 in Robotics
My MiniSumo doesn't seem to detect the white·edge of the sumo ring consistently, especially when it is approaching the edge head on.· It can run off the board by itself or be pushed off by an opponent too easily.

When I twist the sensors on their mounting bolt to be closer to the scoop, it works better.· It seems it needs to detect the

What I would like to do is mount the edge detection sensors lower to the sumo board and move them forward against the scoop.

This would place them farther from the wheels and give a little more time to back off from the edge before falling off.

Has anyone tried this?

Does anyone have any other ideas?

Does anyone have a mini-sumo program they feel is a improvement over the one that Parallax provides?




  • LawrencLLawrencL Posts: 49
    edited 2005-07-13 00:54
    This IS a Parallax SumoBot.

    Sorry not to have been clearer,

  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-07-13 12:48
    Lighting conditions can affect the performance of those sensors; consider using a bit of black paper to block ligh that may be entering from the side. Also, you can change the threshold in the program to make edge detection more or less sensitive.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
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