Serin sx28
I need two pass to variables to an SX28 via SERIN. I'm using a bluetooth module so I only have one RX. The variables I know can only be one byte at a time so I can have the value of the variables be between 0 and 255 , not a problem. I just need a solution that the SX28 will know the difference between the two variables. Any ideas?
· myVar1 = GETBYTE
· myVar2 = GETBYTE
Here's the code for the GETBYTE subroutine:
· SERIN Sio, Baud, temp1
· RETURN temp1
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I am not familiar with "use subroutines like functions"
Is the end result that the subroutine is called and temp1 is returned to myVar1 and the same with myVar2?
Thank you.
Here's the SX/B compiler output of a little test that shows the mechanics:
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Post Edited (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 7/12/2005 2:59:04 PM GMT