Stepper motor ?
Hi All
I am usinf a 12 V stepper info:
Insulation resistance: 1000 MOhm @ 500VDC
Dielectric strength: 500V 50Hz/minute
Ambient temperature: -10°C to +55°C
Step angle: 1.8°
Number of phases: 4
Drive System: Unipolar
Phase resistance: 30 Ohms
Current 400mA
Phase inductance: 23mH
Detent torque: 220 g-cm
With a BS2 and a ULN2803 and the stepper is very hot what could be wrong?
It runs and I have a heat sink on it...
I am usinf a 12 V stepper info:
Insulation resistance: 1000 MOhm @ 500VDC
Dielectric strength: 500V 50Hz/minute
Ambient temperature: -10°C to +55°C
Step angle: 1.8°
Number of phases: 4
Drive System: Unipolar
Phase resistance: 30 Ohms
Current 400mA
Phase inductance: 23mH
Detent torque: 220 g-cm
With a BS2 and a ULN2803 and the stepper is very hot what could be wrong?
It runs and I have a heat sink on it...
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I can touch it, and maybe cook an egg on it but it has been running for over 2 hours... must be OK
But, of course this is only useful if the holding torque is not actually required, you would just be relying on the detent torque to hold the position. I'm not sure how this is done, but it is probably a simple circuit to switch off and on the power to the motor as needed with a serial command from the stamp. Maybe someone else here could give some advice for a circuit to do this.