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Cool Robot to Build! — Parallax Forums

Cool Robot to Build!

aboticsabotics Posts: 6
edited 2005-07-08 12:24 in Robotics
Hello everyone,

I would like to let you all know about an easy to build robot, the NewCDbot. The NewCDbot can work with the Basic Stamp series of microcontrollers and many others. You can find the free instructions here:

There are many other sets of instructions and articles located on the above web page.

Please feel free to send me any comments or questions.

-Regards, Abe

Abe Howell
1193 x 1133 - 162K


  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-07-07 22:08
    From the picture it looks as if you are using the clear protective disc (from a new CD pack- hence the name new CD bot?)- Using a BOE instead of just a breadboard may help clean up the wiring a little [noparse];)[/noparse]

  • aboticsabotics Posts: 6
    edited 2005-07-07 22:20

    You're definitely correct, but the BS1 is $30 cheaper even with the cost of a breadboard. The $30 saved can buy more parts. Plus, the wiring can be the fun part sometimes [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    You're also correct on the CDs, but I get mine from Green Disc because they are recycled.

    -Thanks for the response, Abe

    Abe Howell
  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-07-08 04:13
    Have you read the book on junkbots that talks about using recycled parts for components?

  • aboticsabotics Posts: 6
    edited 2005-07-08 12:24
    No, but I've been interested in writing a book on robots, but just haven't had the time. I'm trying to finish up a PhD in engineering right now, so I'm pretty much tied up with that.


    Abe Howell
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