· Oh yes, I do know what you mean.· Prior to coming to Parallax, whenever I had available funds (And sometime when I didn't) and Parallax had something on sale or on eBay, I would buy it whether I needed it or not. My goal was to have 2 of every development/programming board, 4 of each appmod and sensor and 8 of each BASIC Stamp Module and OEM version.· I was darn close.· Not to mention the robots!
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Chris Savage Parallax Tech Support csavage@parallax.com
But as Chris soon found out, when you work in the toy factory you seem to have less time to play. And even though the hardware is "free" for us, we're so busy designing/manufacturing/supporting/documenting/showing/selling that our own projects take a long time to get finished!
For those who like piles of Parallax hardware you should see Doug's office - a pile of 100 Ping))) sensors from an early production run, boxes of USB Oscilloscopes. John B's office has piles of everything we've ever made. Dave's cube has so many robots he could launch an invasion, and my office. . . well, it's really sterile. Not sure what my problem is exactly. And then there's the warehouse. This is where visitors really get enthralled.
At that $9.95 price with the free SX/B compiler, we're giving away the store. You could build a Stamp-like project for next to nothing and solve most problem/projects you've considered for a hundred bucks.
Ken is correct...My own projects have gone, not on hold, but on slow mode, so that I may provide the absolute best support our customers should receive!· I still have a completed stuffed PDB on my bench at home with a project just waiting for some code changes before it makes it to the Projects Forum.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Chris Savage Parallax Tech Support csavage@parallax.com
·· It will be more interesting to show some finished projects on those boards!·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I agree 100%. Unfortunately, at this moment I do not have anything in the works that needs more pins than a SX 28 can provide......
But at $9.95 each I just had to have some, if you know what I mean.
· Oh yes, I do know what you mean.· Prior to coming to Parallax, whenever I had available funds (And sometime when I didn't) and Parallax had something on sale or on eBay, I would buy it whether I needed it or not. My goal was to have 2 of every development/programming board, 4 of each appmod and sensor and 8 of each BASIC Stamp Module and OEM version.· I was darn close.· Not to mention the robots!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
But as Chris soon found out, when you work in the toy factory you seem to have less time to play. And even though the hardware is "free" for us, we're so busy designing/manufacturing/supporting/documenting/showing/selling that our own projects take a long time to get finished!
For those who like piles of Parallax hardware you should see Doug's office - a pile of 100 Ping))) sensors from an early production run, boxes of USB Oscilloscopes. John B's office has piles of everything we've ever made. Dave's cube has so many robots he could launch an invasion, and my office. . . well, it's really sterile. Not sure what my problem is exactly. And then there's the warehouse. This is where visitors really get enthralled.
At that $9.95 price with the free SX/B compiler, we're giving away the store. You could build a Stamp-like project for next to nothing and solve most problem/projects you've considered for a hundred bucks.
- Ken
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support