SXB manual
A general question. How far off is the SXB manual from looking like the PBASIC manual. In particular: PDF, commands with code samples, commands with schematics, ..., etc. I know, I know, I should be happy with what I am getting right now.
The project that I will be working on, as soon as my SX52 proto boards arrive, will be to get the boards to talk to each other, Hence, detailed information for the commands concerning with I2C and one wire. IE; how do I physically wire the two boards, ..., etc.
With the PBASIC manual most of the stuff was their, all you had to do was dig a liitle. Now if somebody writes, just use the PBASIC stuff as reference, as a beginner, how do I deal with the non portable aspects of PBASIC.
While I am on a rant, keep in mind the products like 3 Function remote control,·and others should include some SXB coverage. I am sure that I·am not the only person that·is starting to get very involved with the SX now that the proto boards are avaiable.
Other than that you guys are great.
The project that I will be working on, as soon as my SX52 proto boards arrive, will be to get the boards to talk to each other, Hence, detailed information for the commands concerning with I2C and one wire. IE; how do I physically wire the two boards, ..., etc.
With the PBASIC manual most of the stuff was their, all you had to do was dig a liitle. Now if somebody writes, just use the PBASIC stuff as reference, as a beginner, how do I deal with the non portable aspects of PBASIC.
While I am on a rant, keep in mind the products like 3 Function remote control,·and others should include some SXB coverage. I am sure that I·am not the only person that·is starting to get very involved with the SX now that the proto boards are avaiable.
Other than that you guys are great.
At the moment this project isn't in our planning process or on the radar.
However, we're making attempts to include SX/B code examples in revisions to our product documentation. For electronic circuits, the best reference would be the Stamp manual and the Stamps in Class books. Code conversion to the SX should be fairly routine considering the main differences (lack of READ/WRITE, oscillator speeds, byte variables, etc.) Occasionally we come across differences that are big enough of a challenge to change the nature of the examples between the Stamp and SX.
In addition to the the Stamp documentation and SX/B on-line help file, you've already found the best resource [noparse][[/noparse]these forums].
The BASIC Stamp has an advantage with regards to documentation: time. It took years to develop our documentation examples for the BASIC Stamp.
One of our external authors is in the final stages of finishing an SX/B book, too. Not done yet, though.
And no, you needn't apologize if you are not HAPPY with what you are getting now (whether for free or for charge). The SX/B compiler is still new so it will take some time. Some of our best resources will always be free.
I aknowledge your request for a printed SX/B manual (or a "From the BASIC Stamp to the SX" book). And I'll let the main documentation/educational authors know about your request for more SX/B converage. Continue to tell us what you want and we'll put it in the pipeline if the request is practical.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.