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Need help for Metex M3850 — Parallax Forums

Need help for Metex M3850

marcosilvamarcosilva Posts: 1
edited 2005-07-06 03:21 in General Discussion
I have a multimeter Metex M3850D. Wen i try to make a mesurement i have a problem. Now i don't see nothing on the display. Can you help me to resolve this problem. My name is Marcos Silva from Cape Vert


  • Steve JoblinSteve Joblin Posts: 784
    edited 2005-07-04 13:26
    Many multimeters have a battery in them to power the display.· Do you have a fresh battery in the Metex M3850?· Is it inserted correctly?

    Also check you leads/probes.· is the wire firmly connected to the jack and to the probe?
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2005-07-05 19:07
    When I got my first MM I made the mistake of trying to measure the current of a circuit by placing it in parallel with the ciurcuit instead of serial. This low impedance path made much more current flow through the MM than it was designed for, and a fuse inside the MM was blown, openning up the MM and replacing the fuse fixed the problem.
  • OrionOrion Posts: 236
    edited 2005-07-06 03:21
    LOL, I sent my $250 dollar MM to hell the same way. I took it one step further though. Swapped the low range(1A) and high range(10A) fuses because I was in a pinch, forgot about it, made the same mistake a week later.....Poof! Everything still worked except the current portion! Now I keep a box of fuses in the case of my new meter.
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