Serial Support & Newer Versions of VB
I am currently using Visual Basic 6.0 and have developed applications that communicate with the Stamp via·a serial port using VB 6.0 serial port support.· I am exploring the alternative of upgrading to VB .NET or possibly VB 2005.· Does anybody know if these versions support a serial port?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Long answer - I too have been working to use VB.NET with microns - I have found some resources on the net that appear to show the needed code to open communication with a serial port; However the shortest I have found so far is about 3 pages of code, simply to open the port.· It seems insanely complicated.· So complicated that I have taken to using the VB6 at work to do my coding rather than my personal copy of VB.NET.· I will look up my work and try to post the good links I have found so far in the next couple of days·- perhaps we could work together to figure a 'simple' way to use VB.NET with microns.
You can mix native code with softwire controls, use it for your serial comms with little if any work!
also have a look here,··· a class written for serial comms, I have been meaning to take a look at this one but have yet to find the time.