SX48 Questions
1. Can i run PWM on all of the input/output pins of the SX48?
2. Can i turn each pin on/off or vary the voltage on each pin 0 to 5 Volts.
3. If i can run PWM on each input/output pin will usb connection to a computer be fast enough to send program information for addressing any of the pins simultaneously?
4. Can i to tell any of 3 inputs what outputs i want them to goto(input/ouput transfer)?
1. Can i run PWM on all of the input/output pins of the SX48?
2. Can i turn each pin on/off or vary the voltage on each pin 0 to 5 Volts.
3. If i can run PWM on each input/output pin will usb connection to a computer be fast enough to send program information for addressing any of the pins simultaneously?
4. Can i to tell any of 3 inputs what outputs i want them to goto(input/ouput transfer)?
1. Maybe.
2. Yes and no.
3. Maybe.
4. Maybe.
Longer version:
1. The limits of PWM on all outputs at once will be significant, as there are only 2 hardware timers on the SX48/52. The rest will need to be defined and managed in software, and with 32 PWM outputs, that could get really really tricky. No matter what, it will limit the switchign frequency of the PWM outputs.
2. The pins can be turned high or low. If you want a varying voltage, you'll need ot use PWM, and a filter (resistor and a cap would work) to filter the signal to a nearly DC level.
3. It really depends on what kind of data rate you want for the transfer and the PWM.
4. It depends on what kind of thing you want to route. If it's just a high/low binary level, then it's cake. if it's a fast PWM signal, that will be harder.
What are you trying to do? Have you thought about multiplexing or using multiple processors? Are 32 seperate PWM outputs really required from one chip? Bean did a very nice 8 channel PWM routine for the SX28. 4 or 5 of those with a master controlling them would be easier to build I'm sure...
This is not a sig. This is a duck. Quack.
I have 8 color modules that i·designed with red, green and blue led's so that constitutes 8 outputs each color for a total of 24 outputs to control the modules. I want to sequence these and do different patterns and color mixing but i also have a color to light circuit(color organ like from the 70's)·to add with 3 outputs that are setup to drive the led's and want to be able to send those outputs in any configuration to the outputs of the processor. The lighting·will go in a Digital Jukebox that i designed and just about to finish and i want the circuit to run programming from the computer that i will write. The reason i want to use the computer is that it gives me more versatility and user control and expandability over the functions.
I noticed the servo boards run PWM and can they run PWM on all ouputs to control servos at one time?
I know i can't use these boards becuase of the timing!
Correct me if i'm wrong but with the timing as it is on the servo boards does this allow it to be able to run any of the servos at any one time?
1. Is there a way to multiplex what i want to do?
2. Does bean have those sx28 chips setup to·address more than one?
3. Will i need to put the program on the chip?
4. Do you know where can i find the program?
5. Do you know what frequency of PWM the program is setup for?
I was using the ones from A L Williams and was having some problems and know now what i was doing wrong,·i am not opposed to using the sx28's i am not going to pay $25 a piece.
Post Edited (DigitalDj) : 7/4/2005 4:40:33 PM GMT