Proto hole soldering
I am thinking about purchasing the SX52 proto board. Now, since I am used to just using the breadboard that comes standard with all the other boards that I have used, what is the proper way of using the the proto holes. Do you stick a piece of wire in from the top and create a solder dome on the backside of the board hoping that the solder does not run over to the next hole or what. I can see that this could become pretty tedius work after the first hole. If this is to dumb of a question, just don't reply, save the sarcasm for another.
·· Yes, soldering is required.· If you do not feel comfortable with soldering, you·could practice soldering with cheap solder ring boards you can get almost anywhere.· Once you feel you can handle soldering those types of boards, consider·putting your·project·on the protoboard.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
·· With wire-wrapping there's no reliable place to get all the signals from on a proto-board unless you solder some posts.· Simply dropping wire-wrap sockets into the hols doesn't get you reliable signals from those pads.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
What I was trying to find out is, if·their is a particular technique to working with holes with a solder ring. I have not received my SX52 proto boards yet, but it looks like those holes are mighty close together. So, to minimize damage, is their a particular technique for doing this soldering stuff. If their is a solder ring there, shuold I rely on that to be the adhesion point, meaning no extra solder will be needed. I know their are probably a lot of guys scratching there heads right about now, but·I am not used to working with this new fangled stuff.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 7/5/2005 7:52:00 PM GMT