Light Controller Suggestions
I am currently making a light controller using the BASIC Stamp 2 as the brains. I need to drive 14 lights (individually). I have read about triacs, SSRs, etc, but I need to keep the external components to a minimum to conserve board space plus the parts need to be inexpensive. I don't need to be able to dim the lights, all I need to do is turn them on with a simple HIGH statement from the Stamp and have the light stay on until I issue a LOW statement. Any help would be appreciated (schematics, places to get parts, etc). Thank you in advance.
I use the Crydom SDV2415. It fits a 16 pin dip and has worked well for my light displays.
Truth can be dangerous... Trust can be deadly.
Truth can be dangerous... Trust can be deadly.
The datasheet for the part I mentioned is at the following address: (It's the CTA08-600SW that I was looking at)
Truth can be dangerous... Trust can be deadly.
BE VERY CAREFUL if you build this kind of circuit.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Truth can be dangerous... Trust can be deadly.
So yes.... just drive the line high and have the stamp continue on..
Picture of the controller:
Here is the link for the image:
Truth can be dangerous... Trust can be deadly.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Truth can be dangerous... Trust can be deadly.
·· I didn't go to the website, but thought I would ask.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Truth can be dangerous... Trust can be deadly.
(page 7)
As spoken in the immortal words of "Jon Williams"...
BE VERY CAREFUL if you build this kind of circuit.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 7/6/2005 3:47:25 AM GMT
Truth can be dangerous... Trust can be deadly.
In particular if you have no isolation in your circuitry and where your unit is plugged in, you TRUST that Line and Neutral are not reversed!
This is a lethal disaster waiting to happen, especially with the inexperienced.
Please, grab some sense, and INSIST on isolation.
Peter (pjv)
Truth can be dangerous... Trust can be deadly.
Please remember that lots of extension cords are unpolarized, and can be plugged in EITHER way; a DEADLY situation.
Peter (pjv)