Hall effect sensor?
Hi there, Ive been working on a project that will turn on an alarm if one object comes within about 5" of another specific object. Ive built the alarm circuit, and I've got some hall efect sensors, but I can only get the hall effect sensor to trip the circuit at about 1" away! Im using very strong NIB magnets, so I know thats not the problem. Someone on this forum once said that I could achieve 5" trigger distance with "a linear output and use an op amp and comparator to adjust range and sensitivity." Anyone have any idea how I could use an Op Amp and comparator to achieve this?

If you have a digital output hall effect, the op amp and comparitor circuit will not help you.
For starters, could you please give the part number of the hall effect device you have?
·· There are other options for detecting approaching objects.· For example, we have the PING))) Sensor, although it's not perfect for detecting people due to the lack of reflectivity, but could possibly work.· It has a range of 2cm to 3.35m.
·· We also have the Sharp GP2D12, which can detect objects from 10cm to 80cm.· Not sure the full range you are looking to detect, but these could see past what the hall effect sensor will.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The type of hall sensor you have will make the output switch low (provide a ground) after a certain level of magnetic flux density, and apparantly the magnet 5" away is not enough to trip the hall sensor.
The linear hall sensor (which seems hard to come by) basically outputs a voltage based on flux density. The stronger the flux density the higher the voltage.
With the linear sensor at a distance far from the sensor a small voltage might be produced, but that voltage too small to be read by your stamp......the small voltage could be amplified with an op-amp and fed to a comparitor.....something the stamp can deal with.
I ordered some linear hall sensors from Allegro about 6 weeks ago and am still waiting for them to arrive.
Post Edited (KenM) : 7/2/2005 10:40:22 PM GMT
There is a chance that there is enough·signal·present at 5", and if there is enough it be amplified. (too little signal and you·only amplify noise).
But that remains to be seen. I don't have my sensors yet, so I have no idea how sensitive the linear sensors are.
About the object to be detected, can you give a little detail about the object, will it always travel in the same path? ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
I don't have time at this second to write up an idea (getting ready for work) but I am sure others will chime in with good ideas.
The first thing that comes to mind is an IR beam, or reflective beam.
This would mount on the plastic door near the top of the door where it hinges. The bending motion would (should) deflect the sensor enough to give a reading the stamp can interpret.
Post Edited (KenM) : 7/6/2005 2:12:10 PM GMT
a dog can easily hear a ping sensor, and they HATE it. I have built and used one as a discipline device training dogs. It ran at 40KHz. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Post Edited (KenM) : 7/6/2005 2:12:24 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Put up a couple of IR beam break detectors....one at the bottom and one near the top height of the dog.
Or, put a scale down in front of the door that the dog would weigh out differently than the cat....
Just other ideas!
RFID would be the cleanest and use up less space.
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I am doing a project a a university, I have to dectect an oil pipe cleanng pig in the pipe using a hall effect sensor op amp etc, can anyone give me an idea of other comonents required for this?
I don't quite understand what you want to do. Can you try again to describe what the end goal is?
You might want to consider starting a brand new thread, you will likely get more views and comments that way.