How the heck do you rewire a Reefskimmer 3000 to a BoBot board without screwing up the machinery inside the boat.
I can't tell what the orange cord goes to.
·i have no idea about electronic but I have to do this for a project.
·We are working like four hours a day on this but can't get it right.
so if anyone can give me a schemetec on a 3000 Reefskimer I would be really happy and giv them like a bunch of money.·
So please someone help me I need to get this done and I haveno idea what to do.
I'm goin crazy here. help

Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Its operation should be fairly standard, likely you have a DC motor for the drive and a servo to control direction. The wires should be nearly self explanatory, the DC motor will have two wires connected to a circuit, that circuit will likely be an H bridge, you want to control the input to the H bridge. The servo will have 3 wires from it, Vdd, Vss and the control pin, there is ample·examples in various Parallax documents on how to control a servo. If you are at all confused, taping into a line and testing its voltage while operating the transmitter should help clarify which wire is which. Sometimes reverse engineering a device is your best bet (I think that is what the teacher is trying to get you to learn, I suspect your teacher expects you to figure it out without having to look at a schematic of the product, else they would have provided you one).