Spectrum Lighting Effect using Programmable Light Dimmer (ala RTurley)
I thought that it might be useful to start a new thread for this, rather
than tacking it on the end of the excellent discussion RTurley started
("Controlling 120 VAC lights with a Stamp")..
There is a restaurant near my home that has the entire wall behind
the bar lit up with a bank of lights that shift through the colors
of the spectrum. This was sufficiently cool that I wanted something like
this for my house.
I figured that I could get every color of the spectrum, and alot
more, using just three colors (red, green, and blue)....after all, that's what
all those TVs out there do.
Attachment 1 shows a plot of the RGB
values needed to reproduce the visible spectrium from 380 nm to 780nm.
( see http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~astro/color/spectra.html for the original
FORTRAN code (gasp!) and www.johnny-lin.com/py_code/wavelen2rgb.py
for the more modern Python code I used to get the RGB values).
Now I just needed a way to control some bright lights....
All I needed to do was make a 3-channel dimmer. And RTurley had lighted the
way. Sorry. But his posting seemed like a good place to start.
I made some changes to RTurley's basic circuit. I was not concerned with
conserving output pins (since this would be a dedicated application),
so I removed the addressing scheme and used one Stamp output
line per latch. I assigned P0, P1, and P2 to R, G, and B, respectively.
P3 and P4 are the serial data and clock for the shift register.
Not being the trusting type, I wired-up one channel of the circuit on my
INEX-1000 board, and used the code (a heavily modified version of
RTurley's code (thanks RTurley!) in Attachement 2 to test it. And,
of course, it worked as advertised. The exact value at which the light
shuts off is a function of the resistor values used, so the code will
need to be adjusted for your particular parts.
I used PCB123 (pcb123.com) to capture the
schematic and create the layout for the circuit. While I've made
and etched my own boards before, I decided to just bite the
bullet and pay to have several boards made...I figured that I could
always give them to my friends.
This is the relevant code fragment used to ramp from violet to
Attachment 3 is the entire code I used to sweep through the spectrum and
back again., including all the RGB values in DATA statements. Not
complicated, but it sure looks cool using three rope-lights twisted together
to "mix" the colors....
Attachment 4 is a picture of the board itself.
Many thanks to RTurley for his initial posting.
I thought that it might be useful to start a new thread for this, rather
than tacking it on the end of the excellent discussion RTurley started
("Controlling 120 VAC lights with a Stamp")..
There is a restaurant near my home that has the entire wall behind
the bar lit up with a bank of lights that shift through the colors
of the spectrum. This was sufficiently cool that I wanted something like
this for my house.
I figured that I could get every color of the spectrum, and alot
more, using just three colors (red, green, and blue)....after all, that's what
all those TVs out there do.

values needed to reproduce the visible spectrium from 380 nm to 780nm.
( see http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~astro/color/spectra.html for the original
FORTRAN code (gasp!) and www.johnny-lin.com/py_code/wavelen2rgb.py
for the more modern Python code I used to get the RGB values).
Now I just needed a way to control some bright lights....
All I needed to do was make a 3-channel dimmer. And RTurley had lighted the
way. Sorry. But his posting seemed like a good place to start.
I made some changes to RTurley's basic circuit. I was not concerned with
conserving output pins (since this would be a dedicated application),
so I removed the addressing scheme and used one Stamp output
line per latch. I assigned P0, P1, and P2 to R, G, and B, respectively.
P3 and P4 are the serial data and clock for the shift register.
Not being the trusting type, I wired-up one channel of the circuit on my
INEX-1000 board, and used the code (a heavily modified version of
RTurley's code (thanks RTurley!) in Attachement 2 to test it. And,
of course, it worked as advertised. The exact value at which the light
shuts off is a function of the resistor values used, so the code will
need to be adjusted for your particular parts.
I used PCB123 (pcb123.com) to capture the
schematic and create the layout for the circuit. While I've made
and etched my own boards before, I decided to just bite the
bullet and pay to have several boards made...I figured that I could
always give them to my friends.
This is the relevant code fragment used to ramp from violet to
addr = RGBspectrum ' the ordered (RGB) triples that make up the spectrum DEBUG CR,"ramping up",CR,CR FOR i = 1 TO 270 ' the number of RGB values in the spectrum READ addr, R READ addr+1, G READ addr+2, B DEBUG DEC i, " ", DEC R, " ", DEC G, " ", DEC B,CR ' get the inverse, since 200 is "off", and 0 is "on" R = 200 - R G = 200 - G B = 200 - B ' send the R-channel DeviceAddr = RedTriac TriacVal = R GOSUB SendTriac ' send the G-channel DeviceAddr = GreenTriac TriacVal = G GOSUB SendTriac ' send the B-channel DeviceAddr = BlueTriac TriacVal = B GOSUB SendTriac addr = addr + 3 'get to the next color 'PAUSE 5 NEXT
Attachment 3 is the entire code I used to sweep through the spectrum and
back again., including all the RGB values in DATA statements. Not
complicated, but it sure looks cool using three rope-lights twisted together
to "mix" the colors....
Attachment 4 is a picture of the board itself.
Many thanks to RTurley for his initial posting.
How much did it cost to have the board(s) done at pcb123? I have tried expresspcb, and they worked well but without the silkscreen, or the soldermask. (3 for 62$ total, at about 5" x 3" size)
Here is a DIY tri-color (R,B,G) LED controller with a serial interface:
Last month I posted a message about a tri-color LED controller chip on the main Stamp Forum, but I'll have to dig that out, to repost it here.
Bruce Bates
I ordered 6 boards (a total of 22 sq. in. each) for $50 each. I wanted 2-3 of them for myself (indoors,
outdoors, etc.), and figured I find some way to get rid of the others.... they would have been cheaper
without the silkscreen and soldermask.