2x16 lcd display with ltc1298 adc looking at a temperature and pressure transdu
I am so lost is there anyone that can help?? I am trying to read an analog devices tmp35g temperature sensor and a Freescale mpx5004dp differential pressure transducer and display the temperature and pressure on a 2x16 lcd display using a seetron lcd backpack. I have finally got text on the screen and able to place it where I want(sort of). I now need to be able to talk to an ltc1298 2 channel ADC to read a desriminate between channel 0 and channel 1, then store values convert values and then place them in the appropriate locations on the lcd screen. I just do not know how to do this and not mess up what Text I have placed on screen. Please help me.
My imagination is trully limited by my lack of programming skills,
Keith Matthews
I have attached an sxb file that i have completely butchered if anyone is interested in a good hard laugh
My imagination is trully limited by my lack of programming skills,
Keith Matthews
I have attached an sxb file that i have completely butchered if anyone is interested in a good hard laugh
Also you only need quotes for the Baud constant.
You may want to use the new SX/B version 1.22, you can declare subroutines and use IF..THEN..ELSE and DO..LOOP constructs. It also handles the·code pages for you.
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"What's the difference between ignorance and apathy ?"
"I don't know, and I don't care."
The attached program is for a product from our EFX group (it's called the RC-4; it's a serial SSR controller board).· Yes, at Parallax we use our own tools to create products!
For info on reading the LTC1298 you might have a look AppKit documentation:
Keep in mind that PBASIC has 16-bit variables and SX/B does not.· That said, there is PIC code in the documentation that may prove helpful.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Post Edited (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 6/23/2005 1:33:33 PM GMT