MM74HC164 Shift-Register
Hello from Greece,
I am only asking, with this post, for some documentation about Shift-registers, generally.
If documentation (about how to programm the BS2 to have 8outputs with sacrificing only 3pins)
(Data, Clock and Clear) does exist about this shift-register ,especially, I would really be thankful of all of you, guys.
I also use two MM74HC374 Flip-Flop chips in order to double the shift-register's outputs but I am ok with them and know how to use them.
If no documentation exists, please just say...
-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
I am only asking, with this post, for some documentation about Shift-registers, generally.
If documentation (about how to programm the BS2 to have 8outputs with sacrificing only 3pins)
(Data, Clock and Clear) does exist about this shift-register ,especially, I would really be thankful of all of you, guys.
I also use two MM74HC374 Flip-Flop chips in order to double the shift-register's outputs but I am ok with them and know how to use them.
If no documentation exists, please just say...

-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
The pdf's below are for the 74hc595's which are similar, it should at least help get you going.
The 74HC165 is a nice compliment to the 74HC595
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I hane no problem using two shift-registers·but I have the two MM74HC374 Flip-Flop chips so I have no problem with the extra pins (I do have really to use an Enable pin extra in order to use them so I have to use 5 stamp pins to have 16 output pins)
Something more...
Programming both these shift-register will be something like this
Counter· VAR·· Byte
Data_1·· CON·· 0
Data_2·· CON·· 1
Clock_··· CON·· 2
Clear····· CON·· 3
LOW Data_1
LOW Data_2
LOW Clear
HIGH Clear
FOR Counter = 1 TO 8
HIGH Clock_
LOW Clock_
PAUSE 3000
The output will be something like this:
10101010 3sec pause and clear(00000000) and then again 10101010... For both registers
Anyway thanks again,
Thankfully, Provas
-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I have some questions about the articles which were very good:
MSBPRE and MSBFIRST are protocols of reading and writing data to shift-registers??? How can I programm a BS2 to control servos with these shift-registers without buying the PSC??? Also if I want to control Ir detector I'll use the 165 for the input pin and the 595 for senting the freq but how??? What's more when SHIFTingIN you have to PULSOUT the Load pin (PULSOUT Load, 5), what does this 5 represent???
Thankfully, Provas
Hello from Greece, again...
-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
Post Edited (Provas) : 6/23/2005 8:58:20 PM GMT
The manual and help file will give you all the details of the various instructions.· And, before you get too far into your project you might want to read through a couple of our Educational text books, starting with "What's A Microcontroller?" -- that will give you a good programming foundation for BASIC Stamps and let you experience (through experiments) what each command is intended to do.
You can download any of our Parallax books from
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support,238.pdf
Don Buczynski
Post Edited (Don Buczynski) : 6/23/2005 8:01:30 PM GMT
Though the compoments of "What's a microcontroller" where easy to find this was the documentation about BS2, I first read. It's a very good job which helps newbies like me understant many thing and enter the world of programming...
Thankfully, Provas, Greece.
-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
Post Edited (Provas) : 6/23/2005 9:02:43 PM GMT