Serial Port Communication with Board of Education
I unfortunately did not buy the starter kit and just now bought a board of education after messing around with 3rd party carrier boards, is it possible to set something up with the hyperterminal like it is with the javelin carrier board using the board of education rev.C which doesn't have the convientent COM port?
I unfortunately did not buy the starter kit and just now bought a board of education after messing around with 3rd party carrier boards, is it possible to set something up with the hyperterminal like it is with the javelin carrier board using the board of education rev.C which doesn't have the convientent COM port?
·· Not sure I know what you mean, but if you need communication with the Stamp, just use the programming port once you're done programming.· You can SEROUT to port 16.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
·· Minor edit...I thought you were using a Javelin Demo Board with a Stamp, and now wanted to use a BOE.· I now see you most likely have a Javelin, but no demo board, and want communication on the BOE.· The Javelin can use the PRINTLN command to print to the built-in temrinal window.· Not sure what you were looking to do, but one other alternative is the RS-232 DCE AppMod we have.· It will plug right into the BOE and provide you with the same type of extra COM port the Javelin Demo Board provides.· Sorry I misread your original post.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
·· I'm no JAVA expert, but I believe there is a function to read input through the programming port on the Javelin.· From there you can do whatever you want, including change the state of an I/O pin.· As for the DAC, yes, if you want to output an analog variable voltage, you would need one.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
why not communicate directly with the COM port, instead of using
hyperterminal to do the communicating?
You find C sources how to use the com port here:
regards peter
The important piece is in de main.c file and consists
of a statemachine loop (switch statement), that is very easy portable to java.
regards peter
using a Javelin on the BOE, so you don't need a rs232 kit
for that port.
regards peter
Quick question how can i port the .pas file that needs replaced also i was looking through one of the header files and i noticed the windows header file is included, has this already been ported to java in the sdk? Also, what is #pragma and finally i know that pointers have something to do with memmory allocation, since java does this automatically is it safe to delete all pointers when porting? Thanks!-hacker
and then use your Java sdk receive and transmit methods.
In the attachement I have isolated the protocol using the
Javelin Uart to open a comport (as an example).
No pointers are used.
regards peter
When you have a program running in the Javelin without it being connected to the PC,
then when you connect the programming port the PC comport and run the Javelin IDE program,
nothing is shown in the Javelin IDE messages window.
The Javelin IDE message window only shows output when you download
a program to the Javelin and keep the Javelin connected and the Javelin IDE program running.
My JideTerm program (command line application) and JideWinTerm program (windows application)
allow you to connect at any time to the Javelin, and they show whatever is outputted from the
Javelin. The test program JideTerm_test receives (text)data from the PC via the Javelin programming
port and then outputs that received data back to the PC.
This behaviour you need to·get running with your application. Then you know that commands
are received properly and can you parse the received commands for specific data.
regards peter