I have some old 4.5x6 sheets that are .06 and single sided. I could fix you up with a couple sheets but it might be simpler for both of us if you called up BG Micro.
BG Micro is set up for mail order and should be able to get the stuff right out to you. http://www.bgmicro.com/pdf/page27.pdf
PC board material. Single sided copper
clad. .031. Sheet measures
3"x5". ACS1380.................... $1.89
Let me know if you need a little of the thicker board that I have.
Sorry to take so long to respond. My son wanted me to watch a movie with him last night, and then there were the church services this morning. I have some family in this afternoon so I will be hit and miss.
BG Micro is set up for mail order and should be able to get the stuff right out to you.
PC board material. Single sided copper
clad. .031. Sheet measures
3"x5". ACS1380.................... $1.89
Let me know if you need a little of the thicker board that I have.
By the way, I see that those boards are double sided and even thinner.
I have been watching for something that I could build my own bend sensor from. Thought that maybe I would find something there.