error: List index out of bounds (-1) SX-Key 3.10
I installed a copy of sx-key 3.10 on a brand new portable, and I get this message whenever I try to close the configuration window.
On another machine that already had an older version of SX-Key, I didn't get the error.
Is there an error in the installer that forgets to install a file?
On another machine that already had an older version of SX-Key, I didn't get the error.
Is there an error in the installer that forgets to install a file?
No, that's an error that Delphi raises when code tries to access a list with an index of -1. Does it happen if you just open and close the dialog without clicking anything else on it? Have you tried clicking on the list of configuration items on the left and then closing the dialog?
Thanks, PeterM
I haven't yet connected the SX-Key because I don't have the SX-key with me at the moment. I was hoping to write the code and then plug in the SX-Key when I got home.
Is the problem that I have to physically connect the SX-Key to the computer?
Open the registry and tell me what value this key has:
Thanks, PeterM
(default) REG_SZ (value not set)
The only subfolder is "ShowWarranty". The entries there are:
(default)· REG_SZ (value not set)
Configuration\ShowWarranty· REG_DWORD· 0x00000003 (3)
Thanks for your help.
It seems that something is happening that is preventing the SX-Key software from writing to the registry. There should be a whole pile of entries under the configuration key. Time to start backing up and asking more questions:
What OS are you using?
What processor?
How much memory?
How much free hard disk space?
If you're using XP or 2000, are you running as administrator or user?
Thanks, PeterM
New to the board but I had the exact same problem on a brnad new Fujitsu Siemens Amilo laptop with V3.1 sx-key. I then installed V2 first followed by 3.1 and now all is well. Hope this works for you also worth a try I suppose.
PS OS is XP Home
I have the same problem, but I solve it by choosing one of the com port in the configuration option (and I don't have the SX-Key connected) and restart the program.
If I remember correctly, the other options was not saved between the session before the "fix".
For PeterM:
What OS are you using?
Windows XP
What processor?
mobile AMD Athlon 4 1500+ 1.29 GHz
How much memory?
How much free hard disk space?
~3.36 GB
If you're using XP or 2000, are you running as administrator or user?
Does your Fujitsu Siemens Amilo laptop have a serial port? I checked out the specs, and it seemed like it doesn't have one. It mentions one on the "Optional Port Replicator," but didn't mention one on the machine itself.
Thanks, PeterM
What machine are you having the problem on? Does it have a serial port? If so, is the port assigned a value from COM1 to COM8, or is it higher?
Thanks, Peter
I have made a clean install of the SX-Key software to reproduce the problem (see attached files).
For spec of my machine see:
What is important is the IO intrerface: Parallel SPP/ECP standard centronics-compatible interface (DB25 connector). And it is see as COM 3 by the SX-Key software.
Also for all these step the SX-Key Rev. F module was never connected. Selecting the Serial Port in the configuration solve the error.
If I have the time, I will try it another computer to see if I can reproduce the problem.
I just downloaded the "Error.pdf" document. First, I appreciate you taking the time to be so thorough in explaining the error and how to reproduce it, but I 'm a bit confused by some info in it. In "Error.pdf", you have the dialog which shows the "First Time Running" info. On that dialog, it specifically says to "Check the COM port setting to make sure the SX-Key can be found." However, in the configuration dialog you show, you have not selected the sole COM port on your system.
Please re-read the info on that first dialog. It is not telling you that it will find the SX-Key for you, it is telling you to the check the COM port setting so the IDE can find the key. In other words, you have to manually make a selection of the COM port that the key is attached to. If you have no key attached, then just make any selection. It doesn't matter what since you can change it later. If you make the wrong selection, the IDE will tell you that it can't find the key the first time it tries to run talk to it and you can change it to the correct one at that time.
Basically, by not choosing a COM port for the IDE, an error occurs. All you have to do is choose a COM port when the IDE asks you to and the problem goes away.
hanks, PeterM