Need someone to test PWM matrix LED project

I'm making a SX28 program that will drive an 8x8 LED matrix with PWM.
In other words each LED can have a different brightness.
I don't have an 8x8 LED matrix...And I don't have the time to build one.
If someone would like to test the program please let me know.
You will need: SX28 chip, SX-Key, 8x8 LED Matrix, 8 NPN transistors (for column driver)
The program will accept data at 9600 baud, so you will need a BS2 or some other means of sending the data.
If I don't get any takers, I guess I'll have to order one...
· I have attached the program. It receives data at 9600 baud inverted. You send a header of "!PWM" then 64 bytes of PWM values, (Column0:Row0), (Column0:Row1),().().(),(Column0:Row7), (Column1:Row0) etc..
Any questions please ask.
Let me know how/if it works.
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
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"If you keep doing what you always did, you'll keep getting what you always got."
Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 6/15/2005 5:20:20 PM GMT
In other words each LED can have a different brightness.
I don't have an 8x8 LED matrix...And I don't have the time to build one.
If someone would like to test the program please let me know.
You will need: SX28 chip, SX-Key, 8x8 LED Matrix, 8 NPN transistors (for column driver)
The program will accept data at 9600 baud, so you will need a BS2 or some other means of sending the data.
If I don't get any takers, I guess I'll have to order one...
· I have attached the program. It receives data at 9600 baud inverted. You send a header of "!PWM" then 64 bytes of PWM values, (Column0:Row0), (Column0:Row1),().().(),(Column0:Row7), (Column1:Row0) etc..
Any questions please ask.
Let me know how/if it works.
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
Product web site:
"If you keep doing what you always did, you'll keep getting what you always got."
Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 6/15/2005 5:20:20 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I've got a pile of 5x7 on order, but they're not in my possession yet....I suppose this doesn't really help.· [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Post Edited (Nate) : 6/15/2005 4:53:27 PM GMT
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
Product web site:
"If you keep doing what you always did, you'll keep getting what you always got."
While in the office·I'm working with my colleague, John Barrowman, on EFX (see·proejcts.· In fact, we just used SX/B to create a serial inteface for a cool little relay control board.· We are interested in a LED dimmer, hence I'm going to look at (and perhaps "liberate" portions of) Terry's code.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
"Liberate" away [noparse];)[/noparse]
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
Product web site:
"If you keep doing what you always did, you'll keep getting what you always got."