A specific datalogger embedded on vehicle
Hello, I have to develop a datalogger for a specific application.
The datalogger must be stand-alone in order to be embedded into a vehicle (in the passenger compartment). The purpose is to store data from several sensors (temperature, humidity, vibration…[noparse];)[/noparse] that are connected to the datalogger. After one year of measurements the recorded data must be sent to a personal computer for analysis. In fact I don’t need something accurate with high frequency acquisition since the data are stored in the datalogger only if there is some high variations with the sensors. But the data logger must have sufficient memory, a low power feeding and several channels (around 7).
The dataloggers that I have found in some companies are quite expensive and I don’t want to design a printed board with a microcontroller, memory, A/D converters…
So I would like to know if it’s possible to buy a board (and where?) including the necessary electronics elements and the possibility to connect several sensors. The board would be programmable and not very expensive.
If anyone have any suggestions I will appreciate it. Thank you.
The datalogger must be stand-alone in order to be embedded into a vehicle (in the passenger compartment). The purpose is to store data from several sensors (temperature, humidity, vibration…[noparse];)[/noparse] that are connected to the datalogger. After one year of measurements the recorded data must be sent to a personal computer for analysis. In fact I don’t need something accurate with high frequency acquisition since the data are stored in the datalogger only if there is some high variations with the sensors. But the data logger must have sufficient memory, a low power feeding and several channels (around 7).
The dataloggers that I have found in some companies are quite expensive and I don’t want to design a printed board with a microcontroller, memory, A/D converters…
So I would like to know if it’s possible to buy a board (and where?) including the necessary electronics elements and the possibility to connect several sensors. The board would be programmable and not very expensive.
If anyone have any suggestions I will appreciate it. Thank you.