24 Bit ADC Output Flickering
Posts: 38
I am currently working on a project to measure with an accuracy of 1 micro volt signal within the range of·- 2.5V to·+ 2.5V with the data rate of 60 samples/sec.·From my calculation,·the effective resolution I require for this application is at least 22 bits if my·ADC·input range is - 2.5V to + 2.5V. I had tried using·a 24-bit·ADC AD7712AN from Analog Devices for this application. The problem is I only get a effective resolution of 18 bits because the the lower 6 bits is flickering. Even I ground both the positive and negative input of the AD7712AN, the lower 6 bits is not zero and values keep flickering.
Is there anyway to remove this flickering problem? Is there any other low noise ADC available in the market which does not have this problem?···
Is there anyway to remove this flickering problem? Is there any other low noise ADC available in the market which does not have this problem?···
www.madlabs.info - Home of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Robot
What if, if you increase your measuring range from -12v to +12v and then use OP-AMP to scale it down to AD convertor range, keeping OP-AMP very near to BS?
Sorry for not replying as I was travelling.
Many thanks for your advise. I had already·read the pages·in detail and tested varous methods but the problem·cannot be eliminated.
I am currently building the project on a vero board and not using a breadboard.
I am using 2 different power supplies, i.e. for analog power and digital power. The ground of both the analog power and digital power is linked with one copper trace as advised in the specs. I had used sufficient coupling capacitors (10uF and 0.1uF) on the power supplies pin of ADC as advised in the specs.
I had also used a separate Vref IC and not using the in-build Vref as the in-build Vref is known to have noise.
I had connected the ground of ADC and BS2 together to ensure both circuits have a common ground.
I had also used anti aliasing filters but the problem still persist. I may not use the correct capcitor and resistor for the anti aliasing filter. Any idea how to calculate and use the correct capacitor and resistor for the anti aliasing filter?
Any other suggestions please?
Any more ideas how to improve?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
The optimal use of these converters involves a circuit board -
-- with the sensor element at near zero distance from the ADC inputs, that is ADC integrated with the sensor
-- differential inputs
-- inputs with a guard ring
-- multilayer printed circuit board with power plane layers
-- all the digital traces run far from the analog, and against the power plane
-- heavy power filtering
-- probably inside a shielding enclosure
Tracy Allen
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
·· That's what I was thinking!· After I sat there in bewilderment for a few moments!· Way to go Tracy!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Actually my input is a differential input.
As my knowledge in analog electronics design is limited, I do not know how to go about designing the circuit board with the following features as mentioned earlier by Tracy.
-- inputs with a guard ring
-- multilayer printed circuit board with power plane layers
-- all the digital traces run far from the analog, and against the power plane
-- heavy power filtering
-- probably inside a shielding enclosure
Is there any book or example circuit board drawing that I can use as a guideline?·Are there any expert in this forum that can help me design the circuit board?
Another thing, how do I provide heavy filtering·to the·power supply? I an currently using a transformer, a·voltage regulator IC, a few diodes and a few capacitors for·both analog and digital power supply. I have two of the same power supply, one for digital power and another for analog power.
Thanks in advance.
The layout of evaluation board is optimized in terms of grounding,decoupling and
signal routing and can be used as a model when laying out your board.
Published by Analog Devices:
Practical Design Techniques For Sensors Signal Conditioning
Look at the AD7712 Technical Note :
AD7712 / Evaluation Boards
page 7 for silkscreen and page 8 for the layout picture of the evalutation board.
I use AD7730 for weigh scale application,I use single supply for AVdd and DVdd
( 7805 ) voltage regulator.
You should rout the layout on double sided board with ground plane as the EVAL board.
Here is some comments from Analog Devices support:
* Put ground plane under the AD77XX package.
* Connect AGND pin and DGND pin to this plane.
* Connect analog signals path and power supply path separtely to this ground.
* Locate analog circuits and digital circuits separated as possible.
* Metal box could be necessary -depends on environment and should be connected
to ground plane.
Mohamed Refky
Tracy Allen