Gumstix & Basic Stamps
Posts: 33
Does anybody have experience interfacing a basic stamp module to a gumstix (miniature computer). Oh the possibilities!
The nice thing about the BS2 is its reliability, predictability, and low power. It may run at 2000 Basic Instructions per Second, but there's no Dynamic Ram refresh cycle in there, no display to be driven, no disk drive to be accessed. And it takes very little power. Compare that with a multi-megahertz Linux processor -- I don't know. Seems like hitting a fly with a hand-grenade.
But once you've GOT the hand-grenade, do you still need the fly-swatter? Well, I think so. I'm not sure what market the GumStix product is chasing, or how the BS2 could apply to that. I suppose the BS2 would make a great real-time slave processor for the GumStix -- or the GS would make a good blue-tooth, web, or IP interface for the BS2.
you mentioned, "there are much better 'blocks' then gumstix". could you please explain.
I view the gumstix as a 'building block' for a system (and there are MANY such products floating around)-· I am a big believer in building to what my purpose is- ie identify my goal so that I can pick the tool best suited for the job- in most cases where I would consider a gumstix I have found a better 'tool for a particular job' , either in cost/benefit or features.· It may be right for you, I don't know what your goals are.· Lets just say they aren't the only game in town, by far.· It may work out for you, but consider your options first, that's all. [noparse]:)[/noparse]