Protective cover for the Basic stamps...
Hello fellow stampers...
Parallax markets alot of nice stuff for us stampers.· However, one thing is missing form their inventory of products.
Wouldn't it be a nice thing to have a protective cover to prevent accidental shorting out of pins when troubleshooting inputs and outputs on the stamp.· Maybe just a clear cover, with small holes in the cover located over each pin to allow the test probe (meter or scope) to just touch that pin and only that pin. This clear plastic cover·would/could just·snap in place over the stamp and live there.
These wouldn't be that expensive, and I know I would buy one for every stamp I have running. (Cheaper by the dozen)
If heat dissipation is a concern...then perhaps a larger rectangler slot down the center of the cover to allow heat to rise out...just a thought.
Maybe someone at Parallax will see this and think it is a good idea.
Happy stamping...Deno
Parallax markets alot of nice stuff for us stampers.· However, one thing is missing form their inventory of products.
Wouldn't it be a nice thing to have a protective cover to prevent accidental shorting out of pins when troubleshooting inputs and outputs on the stamp.· Maybe just a clear cover, with small holes in the cover located over each pin to allow the test probe (meter or scope) to just touch that pin and only that pin. This clear plastic cover·would/could just·snap in place over the stamp and live there.
These wouldn't be that expensive, and I know I would buy one for every stamp I have running. (Cheaper by the dozen)
If heat dissipation is a concern...then perhaps a larger rectangler slot down the center of the cover to allow heat to rise out...just a thought.
Maybe someone at Parallax will see this and think it is a good idea.
Happy stamping...Deno
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
I know you guys are listening!
And BTW, thanx for all the help your people provide on this forum!
"Never create anything you can't control"
"The amount of intelligence on the planet is fixed... the population is growing"
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
Some of the larger project boxes even allow me to print out the source code, stick the page into a zip-top bag and leave the code with the project so if/when a project comes back for modifications/repair, I have the exact code that's loaded in the BS2.