Need advice on switch from BS2
I currently have a BOE with BS2, a project that includes a servo, tachometer input, LCD display, etc. and it works. Howerer, I have run out of program space. I am using the Parallax serial LCD display, want to drive at least two servos, have a couple of relay boards activated by pin outs, monitor several pushbuttons, monitor and display a pulse input as a speed indication, want to implement P&ID control algorithms. Can someone advise if Javelin or BS2sx would be best choice. I understand Javelin would require re-program, but BS2sx need to deal with program banks and pass values back and forth. I am about mid-way in project development, most hardware is done, but a lot of software yet to go. Would welcome any thoughts. Thanks.
I have never programmed in Java, so might be a little learning curve.