Anyone use a PWM IC?
Hey guys. I've been sooooo busy at work that I haven't had any time to work on my projects/hobbies in months.
Anyway.·I finally ordered a few PWM IC's to play with and messed with a few of them. This is for that 12VDC car powered ATX power supply I've been needing to build.
The first·PWM IC·I ordered and tested operated ok on a test board. However, I ordered the WRONG type. it was one for CURRENT sensing only. I need one that varies the Pulse via Voltage feedback directly from the output of the power supply.
So I ordered a few more to play with.
One for example is the texas instruments TL5001A which is a siingle 8 pin IC.
It should be SIMPLE. I also got a few texas instruments TL1451A 16 pin IC's that have DUAL PWm on each IC.
I hooked up each one on a test board wiring up mostly what I thought should make it work enough to test and the neither one of them operate. The outputs are both OPEN COLLECTOR so i'm using pull up resistors of course. the outputs just stay at VCC.
Anyway. I wondered if anyone had experience with actual PWM IC's before. They have some controls I am not used to like Dead Time Control, and a few other pins I MAY be overlooking in the test board.
Another thing is I don't have every exact value of each capacitor and resistor as the test schematics show, but figure·I should STILL get it to work with what I've tried.
I'll probably eventually get one going EVENTUALLY, but I know there's some people in here with LOTS of experience.
Today is the earliest I've came home from work in a·while.·I have little time to play with this stuff...·So I was hoping for some info to get me going. thanks.
Post Edited (paysonbadboy) : 6/4/2005 4:59:21 AM GMT
Anyway.·I finally ordered a few PWM IC's to play with and messed with a few of them. This is for that 12VDC car powered ATX power supply I've been needing to build.
The first·PWM IC·I ordered and tested operated ok on a test board. However, I ordered the WRONG type. it was one for CURRENT sensing only. I need one that varies the Pulse via Voltage feedback directly from the output of the power supply.
So I ordered a few more to play with.
One for example is the texas instruments TL5001A which is a siingle 8 pin IC.
It should be SIMPLE. I also got a few texas instruments TL1451A 16 pin IC's that have DUAL PWm on each IC.
I hooked up each one on a test board wiring up mostly what I thought should make it work enough to test and the neither one of them operate. The outputs are both OPEN COLLECTOR so i'm using pull up resistors of course. the outputs just stay at VCC.
Anyway. I wondered if anyone had experience with actual PWM IC's before. They have some controls I am not used to like Dead Time Control, and a few other pins I MAY be overlooking in the test board.
Another thing is I don't have every exact value of each capacitor and resistor as the test schematics show, but figure·I should STILL get it to work with what I've tried.
I'll probably eventually get one going EVENTUALLY, but I know there's some people in here with LOTS of experience.
Today is the earliest I've came home from work in a·while.·I have little time to play with this stuff...·So I was hoping for some info to get me going. thanks.
Post Edited (paysonbadboy) : 6/4/2005 4:59:21 AM GMT
I haven't played with it anymore since the other day. But hoped someone would have used PWM IC's before to give be a head start.